Bet on zero how to win and what to do next

Bet on zero how to win and what to do next

Title---Bet on zero: how to win and what to do next?Body---

Zero has always been considered a sacred sector among roulette players, which can bring big winnings to those who guessed it. However, in order to win big, it is necessary to understand the principle of this sector and what tactics can be applied.

How the zero sector works

Roulette is considered one of the most interesting games in land-based casinos around the world but has also gained popularity on online platforms. The reason for this was the exciting process of the game and the opportunity to win a substantial amount of cash. There are only two main variants of roulette - American and European roulette. The main difference is that American roulette has an additional sector - double zero. At first glance, it may seem that the presence of this cell increases the player's chances of winning, but in fact, the probability of winning for the casino increases. But why? 

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After the process of calculation, an amazing difference in the ratio of the percentage of winnings of the casino in roulette was found. By means of such calculations, it was found that in European roulette the probability of winning a casino is around 2.5%, while in American roulette this probability is 4%. The difference in chances for a player is noticeably one and a half times lower, which makes a player think about choosing the European version, instead of American.

Such mathematical concept exists not only in land-based but also in new slot sites where roulette is available. However, there are certain approaches and strategies that can increase the chance of winning.

How to increase chances of zero in roulette and what to do next

For many roulette players, zero is not just a number sector, it is a magical chance of winning. And a huge number of gamblers believe in this. If the casino counted all the bets made in roulette, then the maximum number of bets would be exactly on this number.

Love for this sector in a sense can be called not fully justified, because, without this field, the player's chances of winning in the round would be 1 to 2. And thanks to the presence of this number, the chance that the correct number will win is already less than the specified value. Zero does not fall out often, few people have seen it dropped more than 2 times in a row. Is it possible to increase the chances of winning taking into account zero? 

Since American roulette is more difficult to play, it is best to consider using winning tactics in it. This tactic focuses on the probability of winning. If a gambler bets on 5 sectors, for example, on zero, double zero, digital sectors 1,2, and 3, then the payout in case of a win will be 6 to 1, while the probability of winning will be slightly higher than 10%. At the same time, the probability of the casino side winning will be about 8%. Despite the fact that the combination seems to be very winning, nevertheless, 8% is the highest win rate of the casino. Thus, it is most correct to “close” zero and double zero by blocking 2 adjacent sectors. In this case, the chance of winning increases and, if a player does this, the winning at the rate will be 17%, while the percentage of the chance of winning of the casino is reduced to 4%. From a mathematical point of view, the player's chances are almost doubled, and at the same time, the chance of winning the casino decreases. 

This tactic can be considered the most successful since most of the others show significantly worse results. In case a zero or double zero wins, it is possible to try to continue the game, relying on winning other numbers, or pause the game, especially if the biggest hope is precisely on the win of one of the two zero sectors.