Microsoft Azure IAAS Interview Questions for Experienced/Microsoft Azure IAAS Interview Questions and Answers for Freshers & Experienced

What would happen when the maximum failed attempts are reached during the process of Azure ID Authentication?

In case of maximum failed attempts, the azure account would get locked and the method of locking is dependent on the protocol that analyzes the entered password and the IP addresses of the login requests.

Is it possible to get a public DNS or IP address for the Azure Internal Load Balancer?

No! As the name itself says, Azure Internal Load Balancer supports only Private IP addresses, and hence the assignment of a public IP address or DNS name is not possible.

What do you understand by Azure Scheduler?

Azure Scheduler helps us to invoke certain background trigger events or activities like calling HTTP/S endpoints or to present a message on the queue on any schedule.

By using this Azure Schedule, the jobs present in the cloud call services present within and outside of the Azure to execute those jobs on-demand that are routinely on a repeated regular schedule or start those jobs at a future specified date.

What is meant by table storage?

It is an interface that is capable of storing bulk amount of structured but non-relational data. It is a service of the NoSQL data store that takes authenticated calls from either outside or inside the Azure cloud. The table is a collaborated entity that in turn is a set of properties which is a paired up of name and value.

Differentiate between the repository and the powerhouse server?

Repository servers are those which are in lieu of the integrity, consistency, and uniformity whereas the powerhouse server governs the integration of different aspects of the database repository.

Mention the OS on which Azure PowerShell can be used?

Azure PowerShell can be used in numerous operating systems, including:

Windows 7 and later versions
Linux OS
Mac OS

Using which tool by Azure will you be able to estimate the costs that you would incur on Azure?

A pricing calculator is a tool provided by Microsoft Azure to estimate costs by adding the required products and example scenarios.

State the difference between repetitive and minimal monitoring.

Verbose monitoring collects metrics based on performance. It allows a close analysis of data fed during the process of application.

On the other hand, minimal monitoring is a default configuration method. It makes the user of performance counters gathered from the operating system of the host.

What is the main difference between the repository and the powerhouse server?

The main difference between them is that repository servers are instead of the integrity, consistency, and uniformity while powerhouse server governs the integration of different aspects of the database repository.

Explain command task in Microsoft Azure

Command task is an operational window which set off the flow of either single or multiple common whiles when the system is running.

What are unconnected lookups?

Unconnected lookup the input ins take by the LKP operation. In this type of lookup method, User-defined values are disregarded in the unconnected lookups.

Explain Cmdlet command of Microsoft Azure

A cmdlet is a command which is utilized as a part of the Microsoft PowerShell environment. The cmdlet is called by the Windows PowerShell to automate the scripts which are in the command line.

You have an application running on the On-Prem Server and have backup on Azure East US region. Now, On-Prem server application access fails. Is it possible to access the application via the Azure environment?

Yes, it is totally possible by making use of the Site Recovery Service provided by Azure. It is capable of handling fail-over and fail-back scenarios between On-Prem Servers and Azure environments.

What feature of Azure can be used to stop the issue of high load on the application in cases of no man support on the flow?

This issue can be stopped by making use of VM Scale sets by defining proper configuration and conditions to provision a new VM whenever the load to the application increases.

>> Azure VM Scale Sets lets the developer create and manage a group of VMs that are load balanced. The scale sets can be configured in such a way that the count of VMs can automatically be increased or decreased based on the application demand or based on a pre-defined schedule.

>> Usage of Scale Sets ensures high availability of the applications and allows the developers to manage, update and configure large VMs centrally and also help them support the development of large-scale applications supporting big data, big workloads, and compute loads.

>> Azure scale sets can support up to 1,000 VMs. If the custom VM images are created and uploaded, then the limit is 600 VMs.

What is meant by the enterprise warehousing?

It is the phenomenon where the data is developed by the organization having access at a single point throughout the globe. The warehousing enables the server to get linked to a single point with the assistance of periodic handling.

What do you mean by lookup transformation?

Lookup transformation aids to determine source qualifier. It can be active or passive lookup transformation. The process is yield to get the access the relevant information or the data.

What is meant by the connected lookups?

In the unconnected lookup, the input is directly taken from the transformation that takes part in the flow of data. The connected data lookup is built as both a static and dynamic cache. This can be oriented via multiple ports that can give the output. It is defined by user defined entity.

What is meant by the unconnected lookups?

The answer to this Microsoft Azure interview question should be that in the unconnected lookups the input is taken by the LKP operation. Nature is dynamic having a single output port. User-defined values are disregarded in the unconnected lookups.

What is meant by the command task?

Command task is an operational window that sets off the flow of one or multiple command shell while the system is still running.

What is the difference between copy and shortcut?

The answer to this Microsoft Azure interview question will be copied is transferring an object from one to another folder that takes double space. There is no change that corresponds to the original object.

The shortcut is a dynamic link of the object that saves the space reflecting changes in the original object.

What do you mean by a service fabric in Azure?

This is one of the advanced Microsoft azure interview questions that should be answered by stating Service fabric is a middleware platform of the following generation that gives the more scalable outcome. It renders with the more managed and reliable enterprise.

Discuss the different database types in SQL Azure?

This is one of the commonly asked SQL Azure interview questions that must be answered by stating that there are two major type of database in SQL Azure;

>> Web Edition – It is having a limit of 5GB SQL that is related to the relational database. The basic advantage is that they can be self-maintained, tolerant to a fault and highly available.

>> Business-based Edition – they support 50GB of T-SQL that is self-managed, tolerant to a fault and highly available. They are suited for the custom web applications or ISV application.

State the class that can be used to retrieve data?

The class that can be used to get data from more than one list is the SPSite Data Query that is able to query data that are present in more than one list all across the diverse web collections. It is featured to aggregate data without the external links and only through the SharePoint.

Compare the STS and SPS and state its important features?

SPS is the SharePoint Portal Service which manages the documents and has a search engine more efficient in penetrating the multiple sources of content.

STS stands for the SharePoint team management. As the name suggests they are better for the document management for a large organization and has a moderate search engine.

Explain MOSS?

The answer to this SQL Microsoft Azure interview question for experienced will be MOSS is abbreviated for Microsoft Office SharePoint Server that constitutes a complete version of the portal platform that yields the user to manage, share and even create the document.

What is the difference between a library and a list?

The library is an interface that yields one to manage and store a document that can be created using Excel, PowerPoint or Word. The list is the representation of the item in a tabulated format using column and rows. Lists are not used to make a document but can attach documents.

What do you mean by SAS?

This is one of the common SQL Azure interview questions that should be answered by stating that SAS is an abbreviation for Statistical analytical System which is a software suite performing analysis of multiple variables. It is in linked to the predictive analysis, data handling, advanced analytics or corporative intelligence. It produces a smooth interface that offers graphical and clicks based solution. It is user-friendly for the technical or the non-technical with advanced features.

Describe the common architecture of SharePoint 2010?

There are three main architectural design of the SharePoint 2010 which includes;

The enterprise farm which is uncommon as it completely is dedicated to the service and aids via the automated management with the feasible isolation of data.
There is a single farm that is associated with multiple services whose potential advantages are management via individual service application which enables with a more complex targeting of sites to a particular application of service.
Lastly, the single farms employed in single service are very common and at the same time easy to deploy. The application service is simple to be allocated with fullest resource utilization and management.

What is a VNet?

VNet is a representation of your own network in the cloud. It logically isolates your instances launched in the cloud, from the rest of your resources.

Give a clear overview of API in Azure?

The Test Analytics in API is a web service that is built with the Azure learning. It is an effective tool to analyze the unstructured data like the extraction of the key phrase. It runs with the binomial scoring unit that is either 0 or 1 where 1 corresponds to a positive and 0 corresponds to a negative viewpoint. The advantage is that it does not need any assistance with designing and training which imply that the data is in the hands of directly the user.

What is the use of the Migration Assistant tool in Azure Websites?

Migration Assistant tool helps you to examine your IIS installation. It helps you to recognize which site can be migrated to the cloud. It is also featuring components which are either not migrated or unsupported on the Azure platform.

Explain how does a character analytics API function?

The working of the character analytics of API does not account for the characterization of words like good or bad. It uses the advanced feature through which the processing of natural language is mediated.

Differentiate between the PROC SUMMARY and PROC MEANS?

This is one of the stars marked questions found in the list of top Microsoft Azure interview questions and answers pdf.

PROC MEANS refers to the subgroup statist created in the persistence of the BY statement that will be involved. The data here is sorted beforehand with the assistance of BY variables.

PROC SUMMARY is the aid of statistics giving all varieties of information running simultaneously and is produced for every subgroup automatically. The information in the outlet is not created.

What are the differences between Subscription Administrator and Directory Administrator?

By default, one is assigned the Subscription Administrator role when he/she signs up for Azure. A subscription admin can use either a Microsoft account or a work or school account from the directory that the Azure subscription is associated with. This role is authorized to manage services in the Azure portal. If others need to sign in and access services by using the same subscription, you can add them as co-admins.

Azure AD has a different set of admin roles to manage the directory and identity-related features. These admins will have access to various features in the Azure portal or the Azure classic portal. The admin’s role determines what they can do, like create or edit users, assign administrative roles to others, reset user passwords, manage user licenses, or manage domains.

What is an Availability Set?

Availability Set is a logical grouping capability majorly employed for separating VM sources from each other when they are deployed. They are used for building reliable cloud solutions.

The VMs placed in the Availability set are run across various physical servers, storage units, compute racks, and network switches in Azure. If any failure occurs, only VMs subset is affected, and the overall solution stays operational.

What is the use of a Lookup transformation?

Managed Disks eliminates the limits associated with storage accounts. However, the number of managed disks per subscription is limited to 2000 by default.

Explain lookup transformation

Lookup transformation helps you to finds outsource qualifier. It may be either active/passive lookup transformation.

Explain cspack in Microsoft Azure

Cspack is a command-line tool which generates a service package file. It also helps you to prepares an application for deployment, either in compute emulator or Microsoft Windows Azure.

Explain Azure Service Level Agreement

The Service ensures that when you send two or more roles instances for each role, access to your cloud service will be maintained 9 out of 10 times. Moreover, identification re-correction activity will be stared when the procedure of a role instance is not running.

What is the difference between Service Bus Queues and Storage Queues?

The Azure Storage Queue is simple and the developer experience is quite good. It uses the local Azure Storage Emulator and debugging is made quite easy. The tooling for Azure Storage Queues allows you to easily peek at the top 32 messages and if the messages are in XML or Json, you’re able to visualize their contents directly from Visual Studio Furthermore, these queues can be purged of their contents, which is especially useful during development and QA efforts.

The Azure Service Bus Queues are evolved and surrounded by many useful mechanisms that make it enterprise worthy! They are built into the Service Bus and are able to forward messages to other Queues and Topics. They have a built-in dead-letter queue and messages have a time to live that you control, hence messages don’t automatically disappear after 7 days.

Furthermore, Azure Service Bus Queues have the ability of deleting themselves after a configurable amount of idle time. This feature is very practical when you create Queues for each user, because if a user hasn’t interacted with a Queue for the past month, it automatically gets clean it up. Its also a great way to drive costs down. You shouldn’t have to pay for storage that you don’t need. These Queues are limited to a maximum of 80gb. Once you’ve reached this limit your application will start receiving exceptions.

What is Azure Redis Cache?

Redis is an open source (BSD licensed), in-memory data structure store, used as a database, cache and message broker. Azure Redis Cache is based on the popular open-source Redis cache. It gives you access to a secure, dedicated Redis cache, managed by Microsoft, and accessible from any application within Azure. It supports data structures such as strings, hashes, lists, sets, sorted sets with range queries, bitmaps, hyperloglogs and geospatial indexes with radius queries.

Why doesn’t Azure Redis Cache have an MSDN class library reference like some of the other Azure services?

Microsoft Azure Redis Cache is based on the popular open source Redis Cache and can be accessed by a wide variety of Redis clients for many programming languages. Each client has its own API that makes calls to the Redis cache instance using Redis commands.

Because each client is different, there is not one centralized class reference on MSDN, and each client maintains its own reference documentation. In addition to the reference documentation, there are several tutorials showing how to get started with Azure Redis Cache using different languages and cache clients. To access these tutorials, see How to use Azure Redis Cache and click the desired language from the language switcher at the top of the article.

What are the roles available in Windows Azure?

All three roles (web, worker, VM) are essentially Windows Server 2008. Web and Worker roles are nearly identical: With Web and Worker roles, the OS and related patches are taken care of for you; you build your app’s components without having to manage a VM

What is the difference between the Windows Azure Platform and Windows Azure?

A network security group allows you to manage the network traffic to NIC or subnets etc. If it is connected in the best possible way, then the network load will be distributed wisely.

What is the difference between the Windows Azure Platform and Windows Azure?

The former is Microsoft’s PaaS offering including Windows Azure, SQL Azure, and AppFabric; while the latter is part of the offering and Microsoft’s cloud OS.

What is Windows Azure compute emulator?

The compute emulator is a local emulator of Windows Azure that you can use to build and test your application before deploying it to Windows Azure.

What is the guest OS?

It is the operating system that runs on the virtual machine that hosts an instance of a role.

What is the difference between Public Cloud and Private Cloud?

A public cloud is used as a service via the Internet by the users, whereas a private cloud, as the name conveys is deployed within certain boundaries like firewall settings and is completely managed and monitored by the users working on it in an organization.

What is the dead letter queue?

1. Messages are placed on the dead-letter sub-queue by the messaging system in the following scenarios.
2. When a message expires and dead-lettering for expired messages is set to true in a queue or subscription.
3. When the max delivery count for a message is exceeded on a queue or subscription.
4. When a filter evaluation exception occurs in a subscription and dead-lettering is enabled on filter evaluation exceptions.

What are swap deployments?

To promote a deployment in the Azure staging environment to the production environment, you can “swap” the deployments by switching the VIPs by which the two deployments are accessed. After the deployment, the DNS name for the cloud service points to the deployment that had been in the staging environment.

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