What do you understand from hot reload and hot restart?Flutter Interview Questions for Freshers/Flutter Interview Questions and Answers for Freshers & Experienced

What do you understand from hot reload and hot restart?

Hot reload means injecting the updated source code files into running Dart VM (Virtual Machine). Hot reload process does not add only new classes but it also adds properties, fields and methods to existing classes, and changes existing functions.
Hot restart works by resetting the app's current state to the app's initial state.

Posted Date:- 2021-10-28 04:06:27

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What is tree shaking in Flutter?

What is Hot Reload in Flutter?

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What is the use of the pubspec.yaml file?

In What technology is Flutter built?

How does Flutter run the code on iOS?

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What do you understand from hot reload and hot restart?

Explain Flutter SDK.

What makes Flutter unique?

Is Flutter Open source?

Explain the flutter widgets.

What type of applications can you develop using Flutter?

Who developed the flutter framework?

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List different types of widgets available in Flutter?

What is a widget in Flutter?

List minimum system requirements to install Flutter on Linux?

List some advantages of Flutter?

Enlist some major features of Flutter?

What is Flutter?

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