Cucumber is software for Behaviour Driven Development (BDD) and when you start using it for your work, the number of automated tests can add up hence increasing your work by having to wait for it to run them all together. This is time-consuming and sometimes even takes a lot of time. To save time and increasing speed cucumber developed continuous integration (CI) which allows you to use CI parallelization. Jenkins allows you to configure pipeline stages to define tasks that will later be executed in parallel.
Posted Date:- 2021-11-26 07:36:03
What are annotation in cucumber?
How to run cucumber tests in parallel?
Enlist different types of hooks in cucumber?
What are helper methods in cucumber?
What is the language used for expressing scenario in feature file?
What are the differences between Jbehave and Cucumber?
What language is used by cucumber?
What is use | symbol in cucumber?
What is scenario outline in cucumber?
How you generate the report in cucumber?
What is the use of cucumber.yml file?
Enlist different types of hooks in cucumber?
What is Arity mismatch in cucumber?
What are helper methods in cucumber?
What is use | symbol in cucumber?
What is scenario outline in cucumber?
What is the name of the plugin that is used to integrate Eclipse with Cucumber?
What is the use of glue property under cucumber Options tag?
How can you generate cucumber execution reports?
What is the difference between Given, When, Then steps in feature file?
What is the difference between cucumber, JBehave, and Specflow?
List down the mobile device which Selenium supports.
Give an example of a behavior-driven test in plain text?
What are the differences between Jbehave and Cucumber?
What is the use of features property under the Cucumber Options tag?
Should any code be written within the TestRunner class?
What is the meaning of the TestRunner class in Cucumber?
How can Cucumber be integrated with Selenium WebDriver?
How can you use the Options tag in the Cucumber framework?
Should we write code within the TestRunner class?
What do you understand by TDD, and what are the different processes used in TDD?
Cucumber execution starts from where?
What is the purpose of the behavior-driven development (BDD) methodology in the real world?
What are the maximum numbers of scenarios that we can includ in the feature file?
Name the language used for expressing scenario in feature file?
What is the difference between Selenium and Cucumber?
What is the Scenario Outline in Cucumber?
What is the step definition in Cucumber?
Name the two files required to execute a cucumber test scenario?
Tell me the starting point of execution for feature files?
Tell me the name of the plugin that is used to integrate eclipse with cucumber?
What are the steps to generate a report in Cucumber?
What are cucumber tags? And why do we use them?
What Are Before, After, Beforestep And Afterstep Hooks?
Explain the purpose of keywords that are used for writing a scenario in Cucumber.
What are the various keywords that are used in Cucumber for writing a scenario?