JavaScript Tutorial

Objects In JavaScript
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JavaScript is not really an object oriented language, it is a prototyping language An object is a collection of properties

There are defferent way to use object in javascript .

  • using object literal
  • using instance of Object i.e new keyword
  • using an object constructor i.e using this keyword

using object literal

Syntax :


Example :

emp={id:"A-38 ",name:"rajesh Kumar",salary:50000}  
document.write(" "" "+emp.salary);  

Output :

A-38 rajesh Kumar 50000

using instance of Object

Here new keyword is used to create an object

Syntax :

 var objectname=new Object();  

Example :

var book = new Object(); = 121; = "java";
book.rate = 1000;
document.write(" "" "+book.rate);

Output :

121 java 1000

object constructor i.e using this keyword

Here, used this keyword to show the Object method .

Example :

function book(id,name,rate)
this.rate= rate;  
b=new book (121,"core java",500);  
document.write(" "" "+b.rate);  

Output :

121 core java 500

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