JavaScript Tutorial

Validation In Javascript
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javascript provide a several type of validation and its also provide difference facilities in the validation forms The idea behind JavaScript form validation is to provide a method to check the user entered information before they can even submit it .

JavaScript also lets you display helpful alerts to inform the user what information they have entered by user that's correct or in correct .

form validation example :

Form validation is the process of checking that a form has been filled in correctly before it is processed.


       function validateform(){  
        var password=document.myform.password.value;  
            if (name==null || name==""){  
               alert("Name can't be blank");  
                 return false;  
    }else if(password.length<10){  
             alert("Password must be at least 10 characters long.");  
      return false;  
    <form name="myform" method="post" action=" " onsubmit=
	"return validateform()" >  
    Name: <input type="text" name="name"><br/>  
    Password: <input type="password" name="password"><br/>  
    <input type="submit" value="register">  

Output :

Number Validation :


<script >
    function lengthRestriction(elem, min, max){
	var Input = elem.value;
	if(Input.length >= min && Input.length <= max){
		return true;
		document.write (
		"Please enter between " +min+ " and " 
		+max+ " characters");
		return false;
characters): <input type='text' id='prasun'
<input type='button' 
	onclick="lengthRestriction(document.getElementById('prasun'), 10, 50)
	"value='button' />

Output :

Please enter between 10 and 50 characters

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