JavaScript/JAVASCRIPT MCQ MCQs :- multiple choice questions and answers. e.g JavaScript MCQS,JavaScript Mock Tests , JavaScript Practice Papers ,JavaScript Sample Test,JavaScript Sample questions

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Question 1: Which of the following is correct about JavaScript?

JavaScript is a lightweight, interpreted programming language.

JavaScript has object-oriented capabilities that allows you to build interactivity into otherwise static HTML pages.

The general-purpose core of the language has been embedded in Netscape, Internet Explorer, and other web browsers.

All of the above

Total MCQS Questions are 75 in this paper JAVASCRIPT MCQ
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R4R provides JavaScript Multiple choice questions and answers (JavaScript MCQs) .The questions on website is done by expert team! Mock Tests and Practice Papers for prepare yourself.. Mock Tests, Practice Papers,JAVASCRIPT MCQ,JavaScript MCQS,JavaScript Objetive choice questions and answers,JavaScript Multiple choice questions and answers,JavaScript objective, JavaScript questions , JavaScript answers,JavaScript MCQs questions and answers