ICSE XII/MCQ Questions for Class 12 Accountancy set-5 Sample Test,Sample questions

A firm can be voluntarily dissolved by the partners :

1.On Majority basis

2.On 3/4 Member’s decision

3.On 1/2 Member’s decision

4. None of these

A, B and C are partners with profit-sharing ratio as 5 :3 :2. A retires. Find the gaining ratio :

1.3 : 2

2.5 : 3

3.5 :2

4.None of these

A, B and C are partners. Their capitals are ₹ 1,00,000, ₹ 75,000 and ₹ 50,000 respectively. On C’s retirement his share is acquired by A and B in the ratio of 6 : 4 Gaining ratio will be :

1.3 : 2

2.2 : 2

3. 2 : 3

4.None of these

Abhishek, Rajat and Vivek are partners sharing profits in the ratio of 5 : 3 : 2. If Vivek retires, the new profit sharing ratio between Abhishek and Rajat will be:

1. 3 : 2

2.5 : 3

3.5 : 2

4.None of these

After transferring liabilities like creditors and bills payable in the Realisation Account in the absence of any informations regarding their payment, such liabilities are treated as :

1. Never paid

2. Fully paid

3. Partly paid

4.None of these

Amount realised from sale of assets is recorded in :

1. Debit side of Realisation Account

2. Credit side of Realisation Account

3.Liabilities side of Balance Sheet

4. Assets side of Balance Sheet

Anand, Bahadur and Chander are partners sharing profit equally. On Chander’s retirement, his share is acquired by Anand and Bahadur in the ratio of 3: 2. The new profit-sharing ratio between Anand and Bahadur will be:

1.8 : 7

2. 4 : 5

3.3 : 2

4.2 : 3

At the dime of firm’s dissolution, Balance of General Reserve shown in the Balance Sheet is credited to :

1. Realisation Account

2. Creditors’ Account

3.Partners’ Capital Accounts

4. Profit & Loss Account

At the time of dissolution of firm book value of assets is recorded in which side of the Realisation Account ?

1.Debit Side

2.Credit Side

3.All of the above

4. Liabilities Side

At the time of dissolution of partnership firm, fictitions assets are transferred to :

1.Capital Accounts of Partners

2.Realisation Account

3.Cash Account

4.Partners’ Loan Account

At the time of retirement of partner, firm gets from the insurance company against joint policy taken jointly for all the partners :

1.Policy Amount + Bonus

2. Surrender Value

3.Policy Amount

4. None of these

Cash balance shown in the Balance Sheet is shown on dissolution of firm in :

1.Realisation Account

2. Cash Account

3. Capital Account

4. None of the Account

Expenses on dissolution of firm is called :

1.Realisation Expenses

2.Legal Expenses

3. Loss Expenses

4. None of these

Goodwill is paid out of the retiring partner in :

1.Old Profit-sharing Ratio

2.Capital Ratio

3.Equal Ratio

4.None of these

Govind, Hari and Pratap are partners. On retirement of Govind, the goodwill already appears in the Balance Sheet at ₹ 24,000. The goodwill will be written off:

1. By debiting all Partners’ Capital Accounts in their old profit-sharing ratio

2.By debiting remaining Partners’ Capital Accounts in their new profit-sharing ratio

3.By debiting retiring Partner’s Capital Account from his share of goodwill

4.None of these

Heri, Roy and Prasad are partners and profit-sharing ratio is 3: 5:1. Roy now wants to retire and his share is taken by Prasad. Find the new ratio of Hari and Prasad:

1. 1 : 2

2. 2 : 1

3. 3 : 5


In the event of dissolution of partnership firm, the provision for doubtful debts is transferred to :

1.Realisation Account

2. Partners’ Capital Accounts

3.Sundry Debtors Account

4. None of the above

On disolution of firm, loss calculated in realisation account is debited/credited to which account ?

1.Cash Account

2. Partners’ Capital Accounts

3.Realisation Account

4.None of these

On dissolution of a firm Partner’s Loan A/c is transferred to:

1.Realisation A/c

2. Partners’ Capital A/cs

3. Suspense A/c

4.None of these

On dissolution of a firm, a partner paid 1,500 Rs. for firm’s realisation expenses. Which account will be debited ?

1. Cash Account

2.Realisation Account

3. Capital Account of the Partner

4. Profit & Loss A/c

On dissolution of a firm, amount realised from an unrecorded asset is credited to:

1.partners’ Capital Accounts

2.Cash Account

3.Realisation Account

4.Revaluation Account

On dissolution of a firm, Bank overdraft is transferred to:

1.Cash Account

2. Bank Account

3. Realisation Account

4.Partners’ Capital Account

On dissolution of a firm, Partner’s Loan Account is transferred to:

1.Realisation Account

2. Partner’s Capital Account

3.Partner’s Current Account

4. None of these

On dissolution of the firm, Partners’ Capital Accounts are closed through :

1.Realisation Account

2.Drawings Account .

3.Bank Account

4.Loan Account

On dissolution, goodwill account is transferred to :

1.In the Capital Accounts of Partners

2. In the Credit of Cash Accounts

3.In the Debit of Realisation Account

4. In the Credit of Realisation Account

On dissolution, if a partner undertakes to make payment of a liability of the firm, the account to be debited is:

1. profit & Loss Account

2.Realisation Account

3.Partner’s Capital Account

4. Cash Account

On dissolution, when a partner takes over an asset……….is debited :

1.Realisation Account

2. Partner’s Capital Account

3.Cash Account

4.Asset Account

On retirement of a partner, his share of goodwill is written off among continuing partners in there :

1.New Profit-sharing Ratio

2.New Capital Ratio

3.Gaining Ratio

4.None of these

On retirement of a partner, the retiring partner’s capital account will be credited with :

1.His/her share of goodwill

2.Goodwill of the firm

3.Shares of goodwill of remaining partners

4.None of these

On taking responsibility of payment of a liability of ₹ 20,000 by a partner, the account credited will be :

1.Realisation Account

2. Cash Account

3. Capital Account of the Partner

4.Liability Account

On taking responsibility of payment of realisation expenses by a partner, the account credited will be :

1. Realisastion Account

2.Cash Account

3.Capital Account of the Partner

4. None of the above

P, Q and R are partners and share profit in the ratio of 5:3:2. R retires and surrenders 3/5th of his share in favour of P and 2/5th of the share to Q. Find new profit sharing ratio:

1. 7 : 3

2. 1 : 2

3. 31 : 19

4. None of these

Partnership Act provides that interest on amount of capital balance left by the retired partner be paid at:


2. 6%

3.Bank Rate

4. 8%

Payment of credit balance of Partners’ Capital Accounts at the time of dissolution of a firm is made to:


2. Firm


4.None of these

Profit and loss on revaluation at the time of retirement is shared by:

1. Remaining Partners

2. All Partners

3.New Partner

4.None of these

Profit/loss on Realisation Account is distributed among partners:

1. In Profit-sharing Ratio

2. In Capital Ratio


4. None of these

Realisation Account is a :

1. Personal A/c

2. Nominal A/c

3.Read A/c

4.None of these

Realisation expenses are recorded in which side of Realisation A/c:

1. Liabilities


3. Credit

4. Debit

Sundry creditors amounted to ₹ 8,000. They were paid at a discount of 5 %. Realisation A/c will be debited by :

1.₹ 8,000

2. ₹ 7,600

3. ₹ 400

4.₹ 8,400

Surrender value of an insurance policy means that value:

1.Which is received an death of a partner

2.Which is received when a policy matures

3. Which can be received before the due date of the policy

4.None of the above

The balance of Joint Life Policy Account and Joint Life Policy Reserve A/c is:

1.Always Equal

2.Always Unequal

3. Not Necessary

4.None of these

There was an Unrecorded asset of ₹ 12,000 which was taken over by a partner at ₹ 10,500. Partner’s Capital Account will be debited by…….

1. ₹ 12,000

2. ₹ 10,500

3. ₹ 1,500

4. ₹ 32,500

Unrecorded assets when taken over by a partner are shown in:

1.Debit side of Realisation A/c

2. Debit side of Bank A/c

3. Credit side of Realisation A/c

4.Credit side of Bank A/c

Unrecorded liabilities when paid are shown in :

1.Debit side of Realisation Account

2. Debit side of Bank Account

3.Credit side of Realisation Account

4. Credit side of Bank Account

When realisation expenses are paid by the firm on behalf of a partner, such expenses are debited to :

1.Realisation Account

2. Partners’ Capital Account

3. Partner’s Loan Account

4.None of these

Which of the following is correct profit or loss in case the amount received from the sale of assets is ₹ 50,000, total assets is ₹ 60,000, total liabilities ₹ 20,000 and realisation expenses ₹ 2,000 ?

1.₹ 12,000 Loss

2.₹ 32,000 Profit

3. ₹ 30,000 Loss

4.₹ 12,000 Profit

Which of the following is not transferred to Realisatsion Account ?

1. Balance of Cash Account

2.Balance of Reserves

3. Balance of Profit & Loss Account

4. All of the above

Which of the following is transferred to Realisation Account ?

1.Balance of Profit Account

2. Balance of Profit & Loss Account

3.Amount realised on sale of assets

4. Reserves

X, Y, Z are equal partners in a firm. Z retires from the firm. The new profit-sharing ratio between X and Y is 1:2. The gaining ratio will be:

1. 3 : 2

2.2 : 1

3.4 : 1

4.Only Y gains by 1/3

X, Y, Z are partners sharing profits in the ratio of 3 : 4 : 4. Y retires and X and Z share their profits in equal ratio. New ratio of X and Z will be :

1. 1 : 2

2. 2 : 1

3.3 : 1

4.1 : 1


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