How to save the responses received?SOAP UI Interview Questions for Freshers/SOAP UI Interview Questions and Answers for Freshers & Experienced

How to save the responses received?

The response values can be saved by clicking on the required request and choosing the “Dump file” location in its properties.

Posted Date:- 2021-11-03 07:16:13

What are RESTful Web Services? How do they implement the REST architecture?

What are the different types of performance testing?

What is a JDBC Status assertion?

What is the functionality of the log pane in the SOAP UI? Which are the most commonly used log panes?

What does a soap document contain?

What we can do with the help of SoapUI?

SoapUI and SoapUI Pro:

What is the standard format for describing a web service? In which language it is written?

What is meant by Protocols and what are the major types are used in web services?

What does a soap document contain?

Tell me some advantages of Soap?

What do you mean by data-driven testing?

How to set property value in soapui using groovy script?

What are the advantages of SOAP?

What are the tools used for testing Web services?

What is the difference between soapui and postman?

How to automate rest web services using soapui?

How to run multiple test cases in soapui?

How to create test suite in soapui?

How to save the responses received?

How to group tests?

Can the custom code be added to SoapUI? If yes, what can be added?

What is Groovy script and where can it be used?

What is Data Driven testing?

Explain about XPath Assertion in SoapUI

How to write test scripts in soapui?

What are SoapUI assertions?

What is the basic method to automate web services in SoapUI?

What hierarchy does SoapUI follow to build a proper testing project?

What we can do with the help of SoapUI?

What is meant by Protocols and what are the major types are used in web services?

What does a soap document contain?

What are the advantages of SOAP?

What is SOAP?

What is UDDI?

What is the role of WSDL document in web service testing?

What are the tools used for testing Web services?

Describe the role of WSDL in web service testing?

What is the XPath Assertion in SoapUI?

Explain how you can parameterize the endpoints in SOAP UI?

what are the default properties in SOAPUI?

what languages does SoapUI use?

where you use properties in SoapUI?

Explain what is the properties in SoapUI?

What are the different components can be used in the web services?

Mention what is the difference between REST and SOAP?

Mention how SoapUI is used to structure functional tests?

Mention what SoapUI can do?

Explain what is the role of XML, SOAP, WSDL and UDDI in web services?

what is SOAP UI?

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