Which device can understand the difference between data and programs? Computer Awareness Questions and Answers Part 1/Computer Interview Questions and Answers for Freshers & Experienced

Which device can understand the difference between data and programs?


Posted Date:- 2021-02-14 18:00:42

A hybrid computer exhibits the features of ______?

Which of the following Key is not found in normal computers / laptops?

The —– performs simple mathematics for the CPU.

The first computer mouse is built by

Which one of the items given below is not an item of the Menu Bar?

—– provides a common address space and routes the packets of data across the entire Internet.

A spiral shape track formatting is present in

Who is considered to be The Father of Artificial Intelligence?

What is the name of the network topology in which there are bi-directional links between each possible node?

The unit of speed used for super computer is

Which of the following is not a web scripting language?

The number system on which the modern computers operate

The computer that is not considered as a portable computer is

Which of the following is an example of non–volatile memory?

The first movie released in 1982 with terrific computer animation and graphics was

GCA stands for

The character ‘
’ is known as

Whose trademark is the operating system UNIX?

In a Pascal procedure the parameters are separated by

The word length of a computer is measured in

Programs stored in ROM are called

One byte is equivalent to

Which of the following colour graphics display adapter has the highest resolution?

Mar stands for

Memory is made up of

Which device can understand the difference between data and programs?

Backspace key is a

The secondary storage device that follows the sequential mode of access is

A number system with a base of 8 is referred as

First computers that stored instructions in memory

The third generation of computers covers the period

Process of finding/correcting program errors is

The following device allows the user to add external components to a computer system

Software is

Which of the following hardware components is the most volatile?

The Input device that is closely related to a touch screen is the

VSNL stands for

ROM is composed of

A device that converts digital signals to analog signals is

What do we call a CPU that is designed specifically to handle the communications processing task with main purpose is to off-load communications processing task from the host computer so that the host computer can be dedicated for applications and data processing jobs?

The peak cell rate (PCR) sustainable cell rate (SCR) and maximum burst size (MBS) are used for measurement of ?

What do we call the pictorial representation that uses predefined symbols to describe either the logic of a computer program or the data flow and processing steps of a system?

What do we call a storage device where the access time is effectively independent of the location of the data?

What is the use of Digitizer as an input device?

What do we call the automatic execution of high-priority computer programs that have been designed to pre-empt the use of computer resources?

What would be the number of bytes transferred at the rate of 1 Kilobit per second?

Which among the following is the time period during which a computer is malfunctioning or not operating correctly due to machine failures?

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