We can manage database operation in Soap UI using a TestStep namely, JDBC Request.
We use the JDBC Timeout assertion to check if the current SQL query is executed within the specified query timeout value.
The fundamental difference is – Soap is a protocol whereas the Rest is architecture.
Soap achieves its business logic by using named operations and interfaces.
We use the groovy script in the Groovy script test step and Script Assertion.
WSDL is used to describe Soap based web service functionality. The WSDL files are used to generate assertions, mock services, and test requests.
It can be completed using named operations with interfaces.
Soap interacts with web applications by using the XML language.
Group test is achieved by test suites. When different tests are necessary, you can generate a test suite and remain to create test cases under it.
To call soapui mock service from java -
Use the SOAP Service Mocking facility in SoapUI by either using Groovy or configuring SOAP service mocking in SoapUI pro.
REST is based on resources, and suggest to use the HTTP verbs to get, put, etc resources on and from the server, while in SOAP everything is a POST, ad requests/responses are xml. Maybe you can use SOAP to get/put resources on the server as well, but with no advantage.
While REST should be able to coop with SOAP in general, certain work has yet to be done in order to support clients in dynamically assembling the required information needed to issue valid requests to the service IMO. When such support is available I don't see a major issue of sending SOAP messages via RESTful clients. Though, I haven't seen any real-world attempts to invoke SOAP from a (real) RESTful API (though they are actually sparse yet). Usually both are separated. And while there have been attempts to describe REST services similar to SOAP
Mainstream functional testing is completed via the GUI, and the major confront of all is that web services do not have User Interface.
Groovy is a scripting language which internally includes all the java libraries – it helps us to customize and add custom validations to SoapUI tests
The functionalities of Soap include inspection of web service, invoking, development, simulation and mocking, functional testing, load, and compliance testing.
Yes, soap is an RPC.
Remote Procedure Call (RPC) is a protocol that one program can use to request a service from a program located in another computer on a network without having to understand the network's details.
Remote procedure calls in SOAP are essentially client-server interactions over HTTP where the request and response comply with SOAP encoding rules.
XML-RPC and SOAP are very similar protocols from a high-level perspective. Both utilize XML for web service method request/response encapsulation. However, XML-RPC could be described as a subset of SOAP functionality. For protocol, XML-RPC can only make requests using an HTTP/S connection; meanwhile, SOAP commonly uses HTTP/S but it can be run over a variety of other protocols.
Webservice is Stateless but can be Stateful
Stateful is, storing client information on server and apply it in future client requests. resulting in dependency of present request on to previous request, which can be put in practice with http protocols.
SOAP can be Stateless and Stateful and REST is Stateless.
Web services are a medium through which web based application can be integrated or communicated over an internet protocol backbone. Web based application can be integrated using XML, SOAP, UDDI and WSDL. SOAP is used for transmitting the data; WSDL is used for describing or relating the services, UDDI is used for listing what services are accessible, XML is used to tag the data.
The general format for reading the custom or default property value is ${#levelname#key}
We need API testing to check whether the API meets expectations in terms of functionality, reliability, performance, and security of an API
SoapUI pro is paid version of SoapUI. It has nore functions and facilities for API testing as compared to bare minimum SoapUI.
UI is User Interface or software, through which user interacts with the application.
API expands to Application Programming Interface or it is an interface for communication amongst separate software systems
Soap is more secure due to inherent security related features. SOAP supports WS-Security for enterprise-level protection.
Soap can be less secure if not properly designed and implemented.
WSDL means Web Services Description Language, provides a definition of how the Web service works for SOAP
The purpose of soap in a Web service - to provide standardization by using XML, defined security as per WS-security, defined data exchange, extensibility, neutrality and independence.
The difference between WSDL and Wadl –
WSDL - Describe SOAP and REST web service. For more details - www.w3.org/TR/wsdl20/
WADL - Describe REST web service. For more details - www.w3.org/Submission/wadl/
API testing in manual testing - API testing is a type of software testing that involves testing APIs directly and also as a part of integration testing to check whether the API meets expectations in terms of functionality, reliability, performance, and security of an application. In API Testing our main focus will be on a Business logic layer of the software architecture.
The best tool for API testing are many like soapui, postman, jmeter. It depends upon testing requirement for selection of appropriate tool for API testing.