What Are Basic Models Of Emberjs?Ember JS interview questions set 1/Ember.js Interview Questions and Answers for Freshers & Experienced

What Are Basic Models Of Emberjs?

Routes: State of application is represented by URL and each URL has a corresponding route object that.

Models: Use to load data from Server.

Templates: This is html of layout.

Components: It is custom tag.

Services: Services are just singleton objects to hold long-lived data such as user sessions.

Posted Date:- 2021-09-08 04:18:12

In Ember.js, is it possible to define a new Ember class?

What are the Template components in Ember.js you are familiar with? Is there any similarity between them?

What exactly can be the issue if a controller is not used in Ember.js?

What exactly adapters are and what are the types of same in Ember.js?

In Ember.js, what are the methods available for defining and inserting a view?

How will you check whether the arguments passed are logically equal or not? Is there any limit on the comparison?

Explain the process of creating an Ember.handlebars template?

While writing a code in Ember.js, how is it possible for the users to know whether the value is an array or not?

What is the significance of the {{outlet}} tag in Ember.Js. Do you think Router is associated with it in any way?

Name one function in Ember.js which is actually a Boolean Function?

Compare Ember.js with traditional web applications. What noticeable differences you can find?

What are the prime tasks that are performed by controllers in Ember.js?

What exactly do you know about the Ember.js structure? What it is based on?

What exactly do you know about the Model in Ember.js?

What are the main components of v you are familiar with?

How is data communicated between your server and your Ember application?

What are the benefits of using Ember.js?

Do Router and Route mean the same thing in Ember.js? If not, what makes them different?

What are the business advantages of using Ember.js instead of React or AngularJS?

What is the Ember run loop and why is it useful?

What Exactly Do You Know About Ember.js?

What Is Emberjs?

What Is Npm Install?

Explain Directory Structure In Ember.js?

What Are The Main Components Of V You Are Familiar With?

What Are Basic Models Of Emberjs?

Explain The Core Concept Of Emberjs?

What Is Ember Route? How Can You Generate A Route In Ember.js?

What Are The Prime Tasks That Are Performed By Controllers In Ember.js?

What Are The Features Of Emberjs?

Role of the adapter?

What controller does in Ember.js?

What is model in Ember.js ?

Difference between router & route in ember.js ?

What controller does in ember.js ?

How to create instances in ember.js?

What is serializer?

What is controller in ember.js ?

What is Ember-data ?

What is ember.namespace.class ?

What is ember.mixin class ?

What is Enumerables in ember.js ?

What Are The Template Components In Ember.js You Are Familiar With? Is There Any Similarity Among Them?

How The Data Can Be Added Using Fixture Into An Application?

What Do You Know About The Application Template?

What Do You Mean By Serializer In Ember.js And What Role Does It Play While Writing A Code?

What Are Services In Ember.js?

Explain How You Can Create An Ember. Handlebars Template?

Explain Application Template?

How Can You Define A New Ember Class?

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