What are the features of Apache Spark?Spark Interview Questions for Freshers/Apache Spark Interview Questions and Answers for Freshers & Experienced

What are the features of Apache Spark?

* High Processing Speed: Apache Spark helps in the achievement of a very high processing speed of data by reducing read-write operations to disk. The speed is almost 100x faster while performing in-memory computation and 10x faster while performing disk computation.

* Dynamic Nature: Spark provides 80 high-level operators which help in the easy development of parallel applications.
In-Memory Computation: The in-memory computation feature of Spark due to its DAG execution engine increases the speed of data processing. This also supports data caching and reduces the time required to fetch data from the disk.

* Reusability: Spark codes can be reused for batch-processing, data streaming, running ad-hoc queries, etc.

* Fault Tolerance: Spark supports fault tolerance using RDD. Spark RDDs are the abstractions designed to handle failures of worker nodes which ensures zero data loss.

* Stream Processing: Spark supports stream processing in real-time. The problem in the earlier MapReduce framework was that it could process only already existing data.

* Lazy Evaluation: Spark transformations done using Spark RDDs are lazy. Meaning, they do not generate results right away, but they create new RDDs from existing RDD. This lazy evaluation increases the system efficiency.

* Support Multiple Languages: Spark supports multiple languages like R, Scala, Python, Java which provides dynamicity and helps in overcoming the Hadoop limitation of application development only using Java.

* Hadoop Integration: Spark also supports the Hadoop YARN cluster manager thereby making it flexible.

Supports Spark GraphX for graph parallel execution, Spark SQL, libraries for Machine learning, etc.

* Cost Efficiency: Apache Spark is considered a better cost-efficient solution when compared to Hadoop as Hadoop required large storage and data centers while data processing and replication.

* Active Developer’s Community: Apache Spark has a large developers base involved in continuous development. It is considered to be the most important project undertaken by the Apache community.

Posted Date:- 2021-10-22 03:27:42

What file systems does Spark support?

How can Apache Spark be used alongside Hadoop?

What is a Parquet file?

What do you understand by worker node?

Is there a module to implement SQL in Spark? How does it work?

How is machine learning implemented in Spark?

What is PageRank in GraphX?

Is there an API for implementing graphs in Spark?

How is Streaming implemented in Spark? Explain with examples.

Define Spark DataFrames.

Name the components of Spark Ecosystem.

What do you understand by Transformations in Spark?

Define Partitions in Apache Spark.

What is Executor Memory in a Spark application?

Under what scenarios do you use Client and Cluster modes for deployment?

Explain the working of Spark with the help of its architecture.




Is there any benefit of learning MapReduce if Spark is better than MapReduce?

What is a lazy evaluation in Spark?

Do you need to install Spark on all nodes of YARN cluster?

What are the data formats supported by Spark?

What is YARN?

What are the languages supported by Apache Spark and which is the most popular one?

Define the functions of Spark Core.



What are the different cluster managers available in Apache Spark?

What are receivers in Apache Spark Streaming?

Is it possible to run Apache Spark on Apache Mesos?

What are the steps involved in structured API execution in Spark?

Is it necessary to install spark on all the nodes of a YARN cluster when running Apache Spark on YARN ?

What do you understand by lazy evaluation?

What is DAG in Spark?

What is the role of a Spark Driver?

How many types of Deploy mode are there in Spark?

What is Shuffling in Spark?

Name different types of data sources available in SparkSQL.

Can you use Spark to access and analyse data stored in Cassandra databases?

What are the languages supported by Apache Spark for developing big data applications?

Explain about transformations and actions in the context of RDDs.

What is a Sparse Vector?

List some use cases where Spark outperforms Hadoop in processing.

What is Shark?

Explain how Spark runs applications with the help of its architecture.

What are the important components of the Spark ecosystem?

What is RDD?

What are the features of Apache Spark?

Can you tell me what is Apache Spark about?

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