How do you get a list of the commands entered during the current session?PowerShell Interview Questions for Experienced/PowerShell Interview Questions and Answers for Freshers & Experienced

How do you get a list of the commands entered during the current session?

The <Get-History> command gets the session’s history, (i.e.) the list of commands entered during the present session.

The PowerShell routinely preserves a history of each session. The number of command entries within the session history is decided by the worth of the <$MaximumHistoryCount> preference variable. At start in Windows PowerShell 3.0, the default value is <4096>. By default-, history of files are saved within the home directory, but you’ll save the entire file in any location.



Posted Date:- 2021-11-27 12:15:03

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How do you get a list of the commands entered during the current session?

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