Define installation with respect to JUnitDjunit interview question set 2/jUnit Interview Questions and Answers for Freshers & Experienced

Define installation with respect to JUnitD

A fixture is also known as a constant state of a collection of objects that can be used for the execution of tests. The main aim of using a test fixture lies in the fact that there should be a familiar and fixed environment. Moreover, these tests are run so that the results are repeatable. It comprises the following procedures.

<> The setup method which runs every test
<> The teardown procedure which runs after the execution of a particular test

Posted Date:- 2021-08-30 08:07:37

If the JUnit method’s return type is ‘string’, what will happen?

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Give a brief account of the Test Suite with respect JUnit

Explain how you will log in into any site if it is showing any authentication popup for username and password?

Which technique should be considered in the script “if there is neither frame id nor frame name”?

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How is the testing of the ‘protected’ method done?

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What is TestNG?

Explain Load Testing on websites?

Is Automation testing in agile methodology useful?

Which test cases are written first: white boxes or black boxes?

Name some code smells which makes it hard to achieve high code coverage?

Mention different methods of exception handling in JUnit?

What do you mean by boundary value analysis?

What do you mean by regression and confirmation testing?

Define installation with respect to JUnitD

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Should testing be done only after the build and execution phases are complete?

When should I use Selenium Grid?

What is the difference between Absolute and Relative Path?

What are the various components of Selenium?

What are the benefits of Automation testing?

What is coverage and what are the different types of coverage techniques?

On what basis the acceptance plan is prepared?

What is usability testing?

What is Verification and Validation in Software Testing?

List out some advantages of automated testing.

Do you need to write a test class for every class that needs to be tested?

For which conditions, the methods Get () and Set () can be left out for testing?

: Why not just use system.out.println () for Unit Testing?

What Is Junit TestCase?

How to write a simple Junit test class?

When are Unit Tests written in Development Cycle?

Why do you use Junit to test your code?

Who should use Junit, developers or testers?

What are the Cactus extensions? And what are its common components?

What are top 2-3 advantages of mocking?

What are top 2-3 characteristics of Hard-to-test code?

Can we change return type of JUnit test method from void to some other type?

Name some Junit extensions?

What is XMLUnit? What is the use of supporting classes in XMLUnit?

Difference between Assert and Verify ?

Name the tools with which JUnit can be easily integrated.

What happens if a test method throws an exception?

How do I test a private method?

How do I execute JUnit from command line?

What are the different methods of exception handling in JUnit?

In SDLC, When is the right time to start writing unit tests?

What are the top advantages of writing unit tests?

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