What is Self Hosting in WCF?WCF interview questions for experienced/WCF Interview Questions and Answers for Freshers & Experienced

What is Self Hosting in WCF?

We have our project (it may be Windows or a web application or something else) and we want to host one WCF service within this solution locally. This type of hosting is called Self-Hosting. To implement self-hosting we need to include System.Service.Model.ServiceHost namespace.

The following are the advantages of self-hosting:

Is easy to use: With only a few lines of code you have your service running.

Is flexible: You can easily control the lifetime of your services through the Open() and Close() methods of ServiceHost<T>.

Is easy to debug: Debugging WCF services that are hosted in a self-hosted environment provides a familiar way of debugging, without having to attach to separate applications that activate your service.

Is easy to deploy: In general, deploying simple Windows applications is as easy as xcopy. You don't need any complex deployment scenarios on server farms, and the like, to deploy a simple Windows application that serves as a WCF ServiceHost.

Supports all bindings and transports: Self-hosting doesn't limit you to out-of-the-box bindings and transports whatsoever. On Windows XP and Windows Server 2003, IIS limits you to HTTP only.
The following are the disadvantages of self-hosting:

Limited availability: The service is reachable only when the application is running.

Limited features: Self-hosted applications have limited support for high availability, easy manageability, robustness, recoverability, versioning, and deployment scenarios. At least, out-of-the-box WCF doesn't provide these, so in a self-hosted scenario you have to implement these features yourself; IIS, for example, comes with several of these features by default.

Posted Date:- 2021-09-20 08:45:47

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What is Self Hosting in WCF?

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