Openshift Interview Questions for Experienced/Openshift Interview Questions and Answers for Freshers & Experienced

What is OpenShift deployment?

A deployment in OpenShift is a replication controller based on a user defined template called a deployment configuration. Deployments are created manually or in response to triggered events. The deployment system provides:
* A deployment configuration, which is a template for deployments.
* Triggers that drive automated deployments in response to events.
* User-customizable strategies to transition from the previous deployment to the new deployment.
* Rollbacks to a previous deployment.
* Manual replication scaling.

What is PaaS ?

As the name suggests, PaaS (Platform as a Service) provides you with computing platforms which usually include the operating system, programming language execution environment, database, web server etc.
>> The real benefit of Cloud computing is the operational agility provided by the Cloud platform in which we don't have to worry about IT infrastructure and we can just focus on building our apps
>> In PAAS the capability provided to the consumer is to deploy applications created using programming languages, libraries, services, and tools supported by the provider onto the cloud infrastructure.
>> The consumer does not manage or control the underlying cloud infrastructure including network, servers, operating systems, or storage, but has control over the deployed applications and possibly configuration settings for the application-hosting environment
>> PAAS originated from shared IT service model wherein multiple tenants ran applications on shared systems
Containerization is an ability to virtualize the Operating System (OS) resources instead of the underlying hardware while it sits directly on top of the bare meta

Do you know what source-to-image strategy is?

Source code images are created in this, which is performed by the downloading and compilation of the same container. Images are created from the same code itself. In custom strategy, rpm and jar are created.

How does the Docker and Kubernetes work with Openshift?

The efficiencies of Docker and Kubernetes are utilized by Openshift with a control system. Many of the deployment pipelines are enabled through it which are later used for testing, auto-scaling and many more events.

Name some of the prominent DevOps tools? Have you ever worked with any?

The most prominent DevOps tools are-

* Git: it is a version control system tool
* Jenkins: it is a continuous integration tool
* Selenium: it is a continuous testing tool
* Nagios: it is a continuous monitoring tool
* Docker: it is a containerization tool
* Puppet, chef, ansible: all of them are configuration management and deployment tool

What are gears in OpenShift?

Well, both of them are the actual origin from open source projects and they equally provide Cloud Computing fundamentals. The major difference between them is that OpenStack provides infrastructure as service or in the form 'IaaS’. It also provides block storage and object storage to the bootable virtual machine. On the other hand, Openshift performs differently.

Name few of the build strategies which are used in Openshift?

Major build strategies used in Openshift app are:

* Docker strategy
* Custom strategy
* Pipeline strategy
* Source to image strategy

How will you define routes and services in Openshift?

As pod is comprising container and services, hence service in Openshift is an assembly of logical pods. Service is basically considered as a REST object in Openshift. Routes are provided in Openshift in order to analyze and externalize the services which are prevailing or which are required in order to reach the hostname externally. It is done by using the routers developed by the admin commands.

Why choose Openshift?

OpenShift offers a common platform for business units to host their applications in the cloud irrespective of the underlying operating system. This makes the use, development and deployment of applications in the cloud extremely easy. A major feature is that it offers network resources and managed hardware for all sorts of development and testing. With OpenShift, the PaaS developers are free to design the environment they need with specifications.

What is the source-to-image strategy?

Source-to-image strategy is used to create source code images. This is achieved by downloading and compiling the same container. The images are created according to the same code. Within the customized strategy, jar and rpm are created.

What is Volume Security?

Volume security signifies securing the PVC and PV of projects within the OpenShift cluster. There are mostly four sections for controlling volume access within OpenShift.




Supplemental Groups

What do you mean by Application Scaling?

In the OpenShift application, auto-scaling is also referred to as pod auto-scaling. Two kinds of application scaling are available:

Vertical Scaling: To meet a higher load with vertical scaling, the application stays in the same place where you provide it with more resources. For instance, you can add a bigger machine with faster CPUs, more CPU, memory or disk space. The cost continues to increase with the addition of hardware resources.

Horizontal Scaling: To allow a higher load with the help of horizontal scaling, several instances of an application are created, and application load is distributed among independent nodes.

With the expansion of the user base, the load and demand for applications increases. To maintain this demand, we need either horizontal scaling or vertical scaling.

What is Haproxy?

If our application is scalable, then HAProxy will accept all the incoming connections. It analyzes the HTTP protocol and determines to which instance of the application the connection is to be routed. That's important because it enables the user to get sticky sessions.

What are Stateful pods?

StatefulSets is a Kubernetes feature that makes it possible to stop and restart the pods while keeping the same network address as well as the storage attached to it. StatefulSets are still a trial feature, but complete support must be added in a future version.

Explain Blue/green deployments.

The Blue/Green deployment is a strategy that minimizes the required time to complete a deployment transfer by making sure that we have two versions of the application stacks available while deployment. To easily switch between two running application stacks, we can use service and routing tiers. Therefore, it is very easy and quick to carry out a rollback.

What does the OpenShift Container Platform include?

RedHat OpenShift Container Platform is a Platform as a Service product of RedHat, officially called as OpenShift Enterprises. This is a supported Kubernetes distribution that uses Docker containers and DevOps tools to accelerate application development. OpenShift has a completes of open source programming languages that allow developers to choose between multiple languages. Open Shift also enables us to have highly available applications with auto-scaling and self-healing with no manual configuration that should normally take place in a traditional environment, both on-site and in the public cloud.

What are the types of Security controls in OpenShift?

There are precedents for OpenShift's security policy. Containers were unable to access host resources or execute preferred operations. Containers should be executed separately from other users as unique non-root users. Containers obtain memory and CPU limits based on system admin definitions. More importantly, the security quotas could not be changed by regular users or administrators.

What is OpenShift deployment?

Deployment in OpenShift is a replication controller based on a user-defined template called a deployment configuration. Deployments are manually created, or in response to triggered events. The deployment system provides the following:

* A deployment configuration, which is a template for deployments.
* Triggers that drive automated deployments in response to events.
* User-customizable strategies to transition from the previous deployment to the new deployment.
* Rollbacks to a previous deployment.
* Manual replication scaling.

What Is Pod?

Pods are the rough equivalent of a machine instance (physical or virtual) to a container. OpenShift leverages the Kubernetes concept of a pod , which is one or more containers deployed together on one host, and the smallest compute unit that can be defined, deployed, and managed.

The Kubernetes scheduling unit is the Pod, which is a grouping of containers sharing a virtual network device, internal IP address, TCP/UDP ports, and persistent storage. A Pod can be anything from a complete enterprise application, including each of its layers as a distinct container, to a single microservice inside a single container. Kubernetes manages replicas to scale pods. A replica is a set of pods sharing the same definition. OpenShift treats pods as largely immutable; changes cannot be made to a pod definition while it is running.

What is in OpenShift Container Platform?

Let's understand what OpenShift Container platform is

* RedHat OpenShift Container Platform is a PAAS offering from RedHat, which was formally known as OpenShift Enterprises
* It is a supported distribution of Kubernetes using Docker containers and DevOps tools for accelerated application development.
* Open Shift also allows you to have highly available, self-healing, and auto-scaling applications without any of the manual setup that would typically need to be done in a traditional environment whether they're onpremise or in the public cloud.
* OpenShift includes a full complement of open source programming languages giving polyglot choice to developers.

What is in OpenShift Container Platform?

Let's understand what OpenShift Container platform is

* RedHat OpenShift Container Platform is a PAAS offering from RedHat, which was formally known as OpenShift Enterprises
* It is a supported distribution of Kubernetes using Docker containers and DevOps tools for accelerated application development.
* Open Shift also allows you to have highly available, self-healing, and auto-scaling applications without any of the manual setup that would typically need to be done in a traditional environment whether they're onpremise or in the public cloud.
* OpenShift includes a full complement of open source programming languages giving polyglot choice to developers.

What is containers Orchestration in Kubernetes?

While containers are effective at the heavy lifting while instantiating an image or application component on a single hosting environment, most modern applications are comprised of many components that span multiple hosts that in turn could be in various geographic regions. This is where orchestration and management become a question.

Applications generally are built up of individually containerized components/micro services that must be managed for the application to perform as expected.
* Container orchestration is the process of managing or organizing multiple containers in this fashion. For example: Docker Swarm, Kubernetes, Mesos and Marathon

* Kubernetes is an open source platform initially developed by engineers at Google, which automates container operations. It allows you to build application services that span multiple containers, schedule those containers across a cluster, scale those containers, and manage the health of those containers over time. Kubernetes handles container deployments and orchestration as a cluster manager by using a declarative model that enables the user to define their application needs.

What do you know about the OpenShift pipeline?

OpenShift pipeline is a tool for obtaining control over developing, deployment, and promotion of applications on OpenShift. OpenShift pipeline depends considerably on the Jenkins Pipeline Build Strategy, OpenShift Domain Specific Language (DSL), and Jenkins files.

What is Volume Security?

Volume Security is ideal for the security of PV and PVC projects in OpenShift. Controlling access to volumes in OpenShift involves four main sections. The sections are Supplemental groups, fsGroup, seLinuxOptions, and runAsUser.

What are the unique components you can find in OpenShift as compared to Kubernetes?

The components unique to OpenShift in comparison to Kubernetes are the Internal registry and Router as an ingress traffic control.

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