Power BI interview questions for experienced/Power BI Interview Questions and Answers for Freshers & Experienced

In which year Microsoft invented Power BI Embedded?

In, the year 2016 Microsoft discharged new administration which is named as Power BI Embedded.

What is the use of statewith function?

This function returns the logical answers TRUE if the sub-string is the starting string for the superstring. If it is not, it will return false.

How can you apply percentile function in Power BI?

PERCENTILE function allows you to returns the data value of the specific percentile number.

What is the use of MID function?

MID function returns the string character from the specified index position.

What is the main difference between LTRIM and RTRIM?

LTRIM function helps you to remove the white space from the LEFT of the string. RTRIM helps you to remove it from the right the last index.

What is the use of INDEX Function in Power BI?

INDEX function helps you to retrieve the index of the respective row.

What is the use of ENDSWITH function?

ENDSWITH function helps you to return the logical result to the given string. In case If the sub-string is available at the end of the sub string, then it returns TRUE.

What does DATEDIFF function do?

This function gives a difference between 2 dates based on the specified Date part.

What is the DATEPART function?

It returns date function as an integer. However, DATENAME function does the same thing, except it returns the name of the part of the date.

What does DATENAME function do?

DATENAME function shows the name of the specific part of the date that is given.

State the difference between Count and CounD function.

Count function returns to count, excluding NULL values whereas Countd returns distinct values which exclude NULL values.

What happens by clicking on a single information point in one of the various visual in a report?

When you click on single information point data gets select and copied to the clipboard. Moreover, the copied data can be pasted in any place according to your requirement.

Is the Power BI service accessible on-premises?

The user cannot avail of the service as an internal or private cloud service. However, with Power BI and Power BI Desktop, the user can connect to their on-premise data sources securely.

What is the procedure to buy Power BI Pro?

Power BI license can be purchased at powerbi.com. However, you can also get assistance from Microsoft partners to aid using Power BI implementation.

Which datasets are used to create a dashboard with streaming data tiles?

Streaming datasets (we need to have data that is cached in memory before we use streaming data sets)
Hybrid Datasets

What is Power View?

Power View is a data visualization technology, which lets you create interactive graphs, charts, maps, and other visuals to bring life to your data. It is available in Excel, SQL Server, SharePoint, and Power BI.

How can you differ COVAR and COVARP?

The main difference between the two is that: COVAR directly gives the same co-variance, whereas COVARP is the population covariance.

What are the data destinations for Power Queries?

There are two destinations for output we get from power query:

* Load to a table in a worksheet
* Load to the Excel Data Model

Why is TOP N not accessible for the Page and Report Level Filter?

ToP N is not accessible for the Page and Report Level Filters because their channels are associated with different visuals.

What must be installed to use Power BI?

To use the Power BI service for free, you need a work email and a web browser. With this, you can explore data as well as create reports in Power BI Desktop. The mobile app can be downloaded from the following stores:
Google Play, App Store, and Windows Store.

Is there any support by Power BI available for mobile devices?

Yes, Power BI supports mobile devices. It consists of apps for iOS devices, Windows 10 devices, and Android smartphones. You can install Power BI apps from the below app stores:

Google Play
Apple Store
Windows Store

What is the need for signing up with a work email?

Power BI does not email addresses provided by telecommunications providers and consumer email services, thus there is a need of signing up with work email.

What are the basics needed for using Power BI?

To use Power BI, you need to have a web browser and a work email address.
work email addresses finishing in .mil and .gov are not supported currently.

What is the Cost of Power BI?

Both Power BI Desktop and Power BI are free of cost. For Power BI Pro, users have to pay $9.99 per month after a 60-day free trial.

Define Excel BI Toolkit?

Excel BI Toolkit allows users for creating an interactive report by importing data from a distinct range of sources and model data according to requirements.

What is the Differentiate between Power BI and Power BI Pro?

Power BI offers distinct kinds of features to help you get started in searching for data in a completely new way. Power BI Pro, on the other hand, caters to some additional features like scheduling data, live data sources, storage capacity, complete interactivity, and much more.

What is the difference between older and newer Power BI?

The new Power BI tool contains a new design tool known as Power BI Desktop. It is a standalone designer, including Power Pivot, Power View and Power Query in the back end. On the other hand, the older Power BI contains excel add-ins. Besides this, there are several graphs available, including treemap, line area chart, waterfall, combo chart, etc., in the newer Power BI version.

What information we need to have to create a map in Power Map?

We need to have some location data such as city, state, country or latitude and longitude to create a map in Power Map. This is required because power Maps are used to display geographical visualizations.

What are the Parts of Microsoft's Self-Service Business Intelligence Solutions?

Microsoft Self-Service BI has two parts:

1. Excel BI Toolkit: Allows users to create reports interactively through data importing from distinct data sources as well as model data according to the requirement.

2. Power BI: It is an online solution that empowers users for sharing interactive reports and queries that you have created with Excel BI Toolkit.

What are the method to hide and unhide a specific report in Power BI?

To hide and unhide specific report, you have to go to selection Pane in the menu bar, and press hides/unhide toggle button to bookmark.

What are the method to hide and unhide a specific report in Power BI?

To hide and unhide specific report, you have to go to selection Pane in the menu bar, and press hides/unhide toggle button to bookmark.

Is Power BI a good career?

Five major reasons why Power BI will create a good career path for you:

Gartner’s framework for the Analytics and BI Magic Quadrant 2021.
There is a big market for Microsoft Power BI Consultants in almost every industry.
In perspective, Qlik and Tableau (both high in Gartner ranking) have a market cap close to 1% of Microsoft.
Top companies offering lucrative Power BI career opportunities.

What is the prerequisite for connecting to a database in Azure SQL Database?

There is only one prerequisite for this. Before connecting to a database in Azure SQL Database, users should configure firewall settings to allow remote connections.

What happens when you click on a single data point in one of the multiple visuals in a report?

When we do that, data gets selected and copied to the clipboard. Further, the copied data can be pasted anywhere as per the requirement of the user.

Which In-memory Analytics Engine is used in Power Pivot?

The primary in-memory analytics engine behind Power Pivot is xVelocity. This engine handles large amounts of data as it stores data in columnar databases. In in-memory analytics, all data is loaded to RAM memory, and therefore, the processing speed is really fast.

What are the most common data shaping techniques?

The most common data shaping techniques are:

* Removing Columns and Rows
* Adding Indexes
* Applying a Sort Order

What is the primary requirement for a table to be used in Power BI?

In Power BI, the primary requirement for the table is that it contains unique rows. It must also contain location data, which can be in a Latitude/Longitude pair.

You can use address fields instead, such as street, city, etc., which Bing can geolocate.

Explain z-order in Power BI?

Z-order is a design strategy used to arrange visuals over shapes. It can also be defined as a method applied to implement when reports consist of multiple elements. Moreover, this can also be used to refresh the display when items in a report are changed.

Can we store data in Power BI? If so, where does it get stored?

Power BI stores data in a few different locations. All the data stays secure through measures such as encryption and password protection. It mainly depends on the channel that you used to import the data. Data is stored in a few places, but it all boils down to one of the main two locations: the cloud and your desktop.

What is bidirectional cross-filtering in Power BI?

Bidirectional cross-filtering in Power BI Desktop allows data modelers to determine how they want filters to flow for data using relationships between tables. With bidirectional cross-filtering, the filter context is propagated to a second related table on the other side of a table relationship. This can help data modelers solve the many-to-many problem without writing complicated DAX formulas. Thus, bidirectional cross-filtering simplifies the job for data modelers.

What is row-level security?

Row-level security restricts the data that a user can view and has access to, based on filters. For configuring row-level security, users can define rules and roles in Power BI Desktop and publish the same to Power BI Service. Also, the username() function can be used alongside table relationships to restrict the data to the current user.

Is Power BI better than Tableau?

Both Power BI and Tableau allow the users to connect to distinct data sources. If we compare both, we find Tableau provides better support to connect to a different data warehouse than Power BI. On the other hand, Power BI is heavily integrated with Microsoft's portfolio, like the Azure cloud platform.

What are the essential applications of Power BI?

Power BI is used by the following professionals and departments:

* Project Management Office: Power BI is used by project managers to identify the current situation of various business units. It helps them to see the overall performance of the team and track the progress of various projects.
* Business and Data Analysts: Business Analysts use Power BI to analyze the raw business data at greater speeds and efficiency. They prepare the data by cleaning and transforming it based on specific requirements and prepare live reports to express the raw in the form of visual insights.
* Database Administrators: By using the PowerShell or Microsoft 365, the database administrator can increase the Power BI embedded capacity and assign the roles to different team members. With Power BI, the Database Administrators can set the passwords and decide who can access the reports and dashboards in Power BI.
* IT Professionals: IT professionals can use Power BI to create stunning visualizations and dashboards to track their performance and visualize various log files for the meetings. It also helps them to find out the areas where the team needs to work on and improve their performance.
* Reports for the consumer: With Power BI, the business user can add custom reports to various applications designed from the consumer’s perceptive. For example, you can create a report that shows your daily sales down in different countries and add it to your social media profiles, websites, and applications. This will show the consumer your product’s popularity and will motivate him to buy it.

How is Power BI different from other BI tools?

Power BI provides better features and data manipulation tools as compared to other BI tools like Tableau. A single user can connect with multiple data sources without any experience in coding and data analytics. As a product of Microsoft, Power BI is closely integrated with other Microsoft tools such as Office 365, SharePoint, and Bing.

In the free version of Power BI Desktop, the user can analyze datasets of up to 1GB in storage along with 10,000 rows of data steaming every hour. Moreover, it provides features like Power Query which allows the user to easily visualize the datasets by giving the command in the natural English language.

What are the versions of Power BI?

Power BI brings in a lot of flexibility when it comes to data reporting and visualization. For this reason, the complete Power BI package has been divided into three versions. These versions allow all kinds of users to leverage the functionalities of Power BI to the fullest.

The versions are:

* Power BI Desktop: The on-premise version for Windows 10
* Power BI Service: For publishing to the cloud
* Mobile Power BI: For mobile users

Why are you interested in Power BI? What makes you think that Power BI would be a great career option?

A cloud-based data reporting and visualization tool, Power BI makes it possible for users to generate reports online. Once reports are generated, users can share them with their colleagues in their workplace. This aspect of Power BI makes it quite popular among business users. And therefore, Power BI is both an interesting and promising career option.

What is the comprehensive working system of Power BI?

Power BI’s working system mainly comprises three steps:

* Data Integration: The first step is to extract and integrate the data from heterogeneous data sources. After integration, the data is converted into a standard format and stored in a common area called the staging area.

* Data Processing: Once the data is assembled and integrated, it requires some cleaning up. Raw data is not so useful therefore, a few transformation and cleaning operations are performed on the data to remove redundant values, etc. After the data is transformed, it is stored in data warehouses.

* Data Presentation: Now that the data is transformed and cleaned, it is visually presented on the Power BI desktop as reports, dashboards, or scorecards. These reports can be shared via mobile apps or web to various business users.

What do we understand by Power BI services?

Power BI provides services for its cloud-based business analytics. With these services, you can view and share reports via the Power BI website. Power BI is a web-based service for sharing reports. Power BI service can be best referred to as PowerBI.com, PowerBI workspace, PowerBI site, or PowerBI portal.

What are the types of visualizations in Power BI?

Visualization is a graphical representation of data. We can use visualizations to create reports and dashboards. The kinds of visualizations available in Power BI are Bar charts, Column charts, Line chart, Area chart, Stacked area chart, Ribbon chart, Waterfall chart, Scatter chart, Pie chart, Donut chart, Treemap chart, Map, Funnel chart, Gauge chart, Cards, KPI, Slicer, Table, Matrix, R script visual, Python visual, etc.

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