Angular and Node JS difference

Categories: Angular Node JS

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Node.Js Vs AngularJS: Know the Difference An in-depth comparison


What is Node JS?

Node.js is a cross-platform runtime library and environment for running JavaScript applications outside the browser. This is a free and open source tool used for creating server-side JS applications.


Node.js applications are written in JavaScript. This application can runs within the Node.js runtime on Linux and Microsoft Windows. This framework offers a rich library of various JavaScript modules to simplify web development process.


What is Angular JS?

AngularJS is a structural framework for developing dynamic web apps. It allows developers to use HTML as template language and lets HTML’s syntax to express application’s components briefly but clearly.


It is a full-featured JavaScript framework, with the primary goal of simplification. It provides support for developing dynamic, single page web apps and supports the (MVC) programming structure.


Key features of Node.js

  • Open source – Node.js is free and completely open-source for anyone to download and use.
  • Enhanced performance – The framework allows Node.js developers to perform non-blocking operations, which enhances the performance of a web application.
  • Server development – Node.js has incredible in-built APIs using which developers can easily make different kinds of servers like DNS server, TCP server, HTTP server, and more.
  • Unit testing – Node.js is blessed with a significant unit testing called Jasmine using which developers can easily test written code.
  • Scalability – You can scale a Node.js application in both Vertical and Horizontal way, helping you improvise the performance.


Key features of Angular.js

  • MVC (Model-View-Controller) framework – Angular is integrated with a dynamic and easy-to-use MVC framework, which makes it easier for Angular developers to build a client-side web application.
  • POJO (Plain-Old-JavaScript-Objects) model – If we consider functionality, the plain-old-javascript-objects are fully self-sufficient. Simply put, the POJO model offers well-organized objects and logics in a natural manner.
  • MVW (Model-View-Whatever) architecture – On top MVC framework, the Angular is comprised of MVW architecture in which the view basically manipulates and remodels DOM to update data and behavior.
  • Easy to use – Angular can easily decouple the DOM manipulation from your favorite app logic, making it an all-time easy to use JavaScript framework compared to others.


Difference between Node.js and Angular.js

As you can see, both Node.js and Angular are different from each other in many ways. They’ve their own specializations and sets of benefits for web application development.


But there are certain things which are unclear. So, let’s compare them both to see how both these JavaScript platforms play different roles.


1 – Basics

The Node.js framework is designed for building scalable web applications & web servers. However, the Node.jsteam has added the possibility for mobile application development recently.


The Angular framework, on the other hand, is designed to create structured applications for both desktop and mobile platform. In addition, Angular is also an ideal framework for developing dynamic web apps.


2 – Installation & deployment

In Node.js, while the developers can write code in JavaScript but since Node.js has a run-time environment, the developers must install Node.json their systems to create the development environment.


Other the other hand, the Angular developers are not required to install the framework on their systems. They can directly embed the Angular framework in code just like any other JavaScript files.


3 – Core architecture

The Node.js framework was created based on Google’s V8 JavaScript Engine as a run-time environment. And to create it, a number of programming languages were used like C, C++, and JavaScript.


Unlike Node.js and other JavaScript frameworks, the Angular is written completely in JavaScript. In fact, it even follows all JavaScript syntax rules.


5 – Working with data

Angular supports two-way data binding to keep the data between a web app’s model and view synchronized automatically. However, the Angular does not provide any sort of feature for writing database queries.


Node.js, on the other hand, lets developers generate database queries directly in JavaScript. This, in turn, makes it easier for developers to create database queries even in non-relational databases like CouchDB and MongoDB.


6 – Use cases

The Angular features allow programmers to build interactive, client-side web applications, making the framework widely used by JavaScript developers nowadays.


Node.js, on the other hand, is mainly used by JavaScript developers to create fast & scalable networking and server-side applications. The Node.js features offered by its run-time environment helps developers in building applications with real-time collaborative editing & drawing.

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