Similarities and Difference between Java and C++

Categories: Java 8(JDK1.8)

1. Execution: At compile-time, Java source code or .java file is converted into a bytecode or .class file. At runtime, JVM (Java Virtual Machine) will load the .class   file and will convert it to machine code with the help of an interpreter. After compilation of method calls (using the Just-In-Time (JIT) compiler), JVM will execute the optimized code. So Java is both compiled as well as an interpreted language. On the other hand, C++ executes the code by using only a compiler. The C++ compiler compiles and converts the source code into the machine code. That’s why C++ is faster than Java but not platform-independent. 

2. Features: C++ and Java both have several Object Oriented programming features which provide many useful programming functionalities. Some features are supported by one and some by the other. Even though both languages use the concept of OOPs, neither can be termed as 100% object-oriented languages. Java uses primitive data types and thus cannot be termed as 100% Object-Oriented Language. C++ uses some data types similar to primitive ones and can implement methods without using any data type. And thus, it is also deprived of the 100% Object-Oriented title. 




Single InheritanceYesYes

Multiple InheritanceYesNo


Static BindingYesYes

Dynamic BindingYesYes

Operator OverloadingYesNo

Header FilesYesNo


Global VariablesYesNo

Template ClassYesNo

Interference and PackagesNoYes


Applications of C++ Programming language

1. Suitable for Developing large software (like passenger reservation system).

2. MySQL is written in C++.

3. For fast execution, C++ is majorly used in Game Development.

4. Google Chromium browser, file system, cluster data processing are all written in C++.

5. Adobe Premiere, Photoshop, and Illustrator; these popular applications are scripted in C++.

6. Advanced Computations and Graphics- real-time physical simulations, high-performance image processing.

7. C++ is also used in many advanced types of medical equipment like MRI machines, etc.

Applications of Java Programming language

1. Desktop GUI Applications development.

2. Android and Mobile application development.

3. Applications of Java are in embedded technologies like SIM cards, disk players, TV, etc.

4. Java EE (Enterprise Edition) provides an API and runtime environment for running large enterprise software.

5. Network Applications and Web services like Internet connection, Web App Development.

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