Red Hat Interview Question Answer for freshers and experienced
Categories: Interview questions and answers Experienced Freshers Red Hat
Question: - What do you mean by Linux?
Answer: Linux s one of the most widely used operating systems, developed based on Linux Kernel. As this is an open-source OS and can use on various hardware platforms. Those who are looking for low-cost and free OS, then this one is the best. It comes with a user-friendly interface, and users can customize the source code as per their requirements.
Question: - What do you mean by Red Hat Enterprise Linux?
Answer: This is one type of Linux/ GNU distribution developed by Red Hat, a multinational open-source software provider.
Question: - How to verify the uptime of a Linux server?
Answer: For this, you can use the uptime command. It can show you the duration of how long the Linux box is running. Besides, w and top command can verify the uptime.
Question: - How can one change the user password?
Answer: The users to change the password, can use the command “passwd.” While executing the command through the terminal, the users need to put the current password. After that, put the new password. The process is quite easy.
Question: - How can a user rename a file in Red Hat Linux?
Answer: To rename the file, you need first to open the shell command line of Red Hat Linux. There you need to use the “mv command.” Then the command will take to the original file and the newly named file. You need to check the parameters before renaming the files. However, if you forget to mention the parameters, then the command will notify you to put those.
Question: - Can you explain the objectives of Red Hat Linux?
Answer: The users who know everything about Red Hat Linux can use the Red Hat Enterprise Linux for customization of the operating environment. Besides, it also helps in completing some basic command-line tasks as well as productivity roles related to the desktop.
Question: - Can you explain the functionality of a Puppet Server?
Answer: Yes. In general, this is an enterprise application and perfect for configuration management. A puppet server is for Unix like OS. Explaining in detail, this a completely open-source and fully automated program. Using this, one can send the configurations to puppet agents through codes. Some essential tasks such as updating user accounts, verifying permissions of the file, new software installation, and others and can be carried out using the puppet code.
Question: - How to know what the version of the Red Hat is?
Answer: For this, the users can use the command “cat /etc/Redhat-release.” You will get the output that will show the version.
Question: - Which command can be used to determine the Linux box’s hostname?
The hostname command helps in determining the hostname of the server.
Question: - Can you explain the difference between umask and ulimit?
Answer: In general, ulimit is a Linux built-in command which offers excellent control over available resources to start the process. The users, if want, can limit the range by customizing the limits.conf files. Besides, the users can update the system settings by editing the sysctl.conf file. Now talking about umask, it defines the use file creation mask. When the users create a directory and file, umask sets the permission for the directories and files.
Question: - Elaborate about SELinux?
Answer: Talking about SELinux, it is a Linux program with enhanced security features. SELinux keeps the server protected from compromise and misconfiguration. This is sued to access the control implementation for the Linux Kernel. It puts a limit and then instructs the servers to only access the particular files and security policies.
Question: - While installing Apache, what is the web port used to serve web pages?
Answer: Well, most of the web servers operate on Port 80. So, while installing Apache, it automatically defaults to Port 80. However, users can use some alternative ports. But this will force them to type a port into a browser to get access to the website. You can also use Port 8080 for this.
Question: - Explain about rgmanager and CMA?
Answer: This is one of the most complex Red Hat Linux System Administrator interview questions. So, while answering it, remember to tell transparently. In the Red Hat cluster, Cman works as a cluster manager, especially a distributed cluster manager. It operates in a cluster node. Talking about its functions, it effectively tacks the cluster quorum by observing the cluster nodes. Cman is responsible for a quorum, voting, communication, and monitoring between clusters.
Question: - Can you explain DAS?
Answer: This is one of the common Red Hat Linux System Administrator interview questions that every employer asks. However, the answer is quite simple. It is, generally, a block device physically connected to the host machine. It comes with a filesystem. Only certain servers can access the device. You can find such storage devices, near-dedicated resources, and server storage. The DAS is inexpensive and easy to use. It covers SATA and SCSI technologies.
Question: - Tell me about the load balancing cluster?
Answer: As the name suggests, the load balancing cluster utilized to balance the load throughout the cluster nodes. It works when the cluster dispatches the service request to a different cluster node. This cluster offers inexpensive scalability as multiple nodes can be configured considering the load requirements. In this cluster, if a node is not working correctly, it will then detect the failure and then assign required requests to available nodes. Here the collapse of the node will not be visible outside the cluster.
Question: - What do you mean by LVM?
Answer: In Red Hat Linux, LVM refers to Logical Volume Mangere. It is the storage management solution that lets the Red Hat Linux System Administrators split the space of hard drive into PV- Physical Volumes. After that, PV is combined into VG- Volume Groups. The VG can be further divided into LV- Logical Volumes.
Question: - Elaborate the process for creating LVM?
Answer: When talking about Red Hat Linux System Administrator interview questions, we can’t ignore this question. You need to elaborate it steps by steps. First, users need to create physical volumes. For this, they can use the command “pvcreate” (#pvcreate /dev/sda2). After establishing that, they need to add the physical volume to the volume group. Here “vgcreate” command can be used (#vgcreate VLG0 /dev/sda2). Now, from the volume group, create a logical volume. Use the “lvcreate” command (#lvcreate -L 1G -n LVM1 VLG0). In the last step, the users need to use the “mke2f” command to make a file system on Sda2 (#mke2fs -j /dev/VLG0/LVM1).