C Programming Interview Questions Set 7
Categories: C Programming language
What is the acronym for ANSI?
The ANSI stands for " American National Standard Institute." It is an organization that maintains the broad range of disciplines including photographic film, computer languages, data encoding, mechanical parts, safety and more.
What is the difference between getch() and getche()?
The getch() function reads a single character from the keyboard. It doesn't use any buffer, so entered data will not be displayed on the output screen.
The getche() function reads a single character from the keyword, but data is displayed on the output screen. Press Alt+f5 to see the entered character.
What is the newline escape sequence?
The new line escape sequence is represented by "\n". It inserts a new line on the output screen.
Who is the main contributor in designing the C language after Dennis Ritchie?
Brain Kernighan.
What is the difference between near, far and huge pointers?
A virtual address is composed of the selector and offset.
A near pointer doesn't have explicit selector whereas far, and huge pointers have explicit selector. When you perform pointer arithmetic on the far pointer, the selector is not modified, but in case of a huge pointer, it can be modified.
These are the non-standard keywords and implementation specific. These are irrelevant in a modern platform.
What is the maximum length of an identifier?
It is 32 characters ideally but implementation specific.
What is typecasting?
The typecasting is a process of converting one data type into another is known as typecasting. If we want to store the floating type value to an int type, then we will convert the data type into another data type explicitly.
(type_name) expression;
What are the functions to open and close the file in C language?
The fopen() function is used to open file whereas fclose() is used to close file.
Can we access the array using a pointer in C language?
Yes, by holding the base address of array into a pointer, we can access the array using a pointer.
What is an infinite loop?
A loop running continuously for an indefinite number of times is called the infinite loop.
Infinite For Loop:
//code to be executed