Python Interview Question Set 8
Categories: Python
What is lambda function in Python?
The anonymous function in python is a function that is defined without a name. The normal functions are defined using a keyword "def", whereas, the anonymous functions are defined using the lambda function. The anonymous functions are also called as lambda functions.
Why do lambda forms in Python not have the statements?
Lambda forms in Python does not have the statement because it is used to make the new function object and return them in runtime.
What are functions in Python?
A function is a block of code which is executed only when it is called. To define a Python function, the def keyword is used.
def New_func():
print ("Hi, Welcome to JavaTpoint")
New_func() #calling the function
Hi, Welcome to JavaTpoint
What is self in Python?
Self is an instance or an object of a class. In Python, this is explicitly included as the first parameter. However, this is not the case in Java where it's optional. It helps to differentiate between the methods and attributes of a class with local variables.
How can you generate random numbers in Python?
Random module is the standard module that is used to generate a random number. The method is defined as:
import random
The statement random.random() method return the floating point number that is in the range of [0, 1). The function generates random float numbers. The methods that are used with the random class are the bound methods of the hidden instances. The instances of the Random can be done to show the multi-threading programs that creates a different instance of individual threads. The other random generators that are used in this are:
randrange(a, b): it chooses an integer and define the range in-between [a, b). It returns the elements by selecting it randomly from the range that is specified. It doesn't build a range object.
uniform(a, b): it chooses a floating point number that is defined in the range of [a,b).Iyt returns the floating point number
normalvariate(mean, sdev): it is used for the normal distribution where the mu is a mean and the sdev is a sigma that is used for standard deviation.
PYTHONPATH is an environment variable which is used when a module is imported. Whenever a module is imported, PYTHONPATH is also looked up to check for the presence of the imported modules in various directories. The interpreter uses it to determine which module to load.
What are python modules? Name some commonly used built-in modules in Python?
Python modules are files containing Python code. This code can either be functions classes or variables. A Python module is a .py file containing executable code.
Some of the commonly used built-in modules are:
a) os
b) sys
c) math
d) random
e) data time
What is the difference between range & xrange?
For the most part, xrange and range are the exact same in terms of functionality. They both provide a way to generate a list of integers for you to use, however you please. The only difference is that range returns a Python list object and x range returns an xrange object.
This means that xrange doesn't actually generate a static list at run-time like range does. It creates the values as you need them with a special technique called yielding. This technique is used with a type of object known as generators. That means that if you have a really gigantic range you'd like to generate a list for, say one billion, xrange is the function to use.
What advantages do NumPy arrays offer over (nested) Python lists?
1. Python's lists are efficient general-purpose containers. They support (fairly) efficient insertion, deletion, appending, and concatenation, and Python's list comprehensions make them easy to construct and manipulate.
2. They have certain limitations: they don't support "vectorized" operations like elementwise addition and multiplication, and the fact that they can contain objects of differing types mean that Python must store type information for every element, and must execute type dispatching code when operating on each element.
Mention what the Django templates consist of.
The template is a simple text file. It can create any text-based format like XML, CSV, HTML, etc. A template contains variables that get replaced with values when the template is evaluated and tags (% tag %) that control the logic of the template.