Angular JS Interview Question Set 5
Categories: Angular JS
What is a Traceur Compiler?
Traceur is a JavaScript compiler that uses classes, generators, and other features from ECMAScript.
How to convert a string into currency?
You can convert string input into the currency type currency filter in Angular.
What are templates in AngularJS?
A template is HTML file that is used with AngularJs directives and attributes.
Explain the differences between Angular and jQuery
- AngularJs is difficult to understand - Jquery is very easy to understand.
- It supports two-way binding process - It does not support data binding process
- It provides support for deep linking routing - It does not provide support for deep linking routing
What is the Ahead of Time Compilation?
Angular AOT (Ahead of Time) is a compiler that converts your angular HTML and typescript code into the JavaScript code.
List types of filters in AngularJS
Types of filters used in AngularJS are: 1) Currency, 2) Uppercase, 3) Lowercase, 4) orderBy, 5) JSON, and 6) limitTo.
Explain ngOnInit () function
ngOnInit () function is a lifecycle hook which is called after completion of data-bound properties of the directive.
What is transclusion in AngularJS?
The transclusion in AngulaJS enables developers to reallocate the original directive children into a specific location within a template. The directive ng shows the insertion point for a transcluded DOM of the nearest parent directive, which is using transclusion. Ng-transclude-slot or ng-transclude directives are mainly used for transclusion.
Lit out hooks are available in AngularJS
Various hooks in AngularJS are:
- ngOnInit()
- ngOnChanges(),
- ngDoCheck(),
- ngAfterContentInit(),
- ngAfterContentChecked(),
What are the important parts of AngularJS metadata?
AngularJS metadata is used to decorate a class that depicts the expected behavior of a particular class. Various parts of metadata are:
- class decorator
- Method decorators,
- Parameter decorators
- Property decorators.
What is Angular CLI?
Angular CLI is also called as the command line interface tool. It is used to build, initialize, and maintain Angular apps. CLI software can be used through very interactive UI like a command shell or Angular Console.