vi shortcuts in terminal
Categories: Tools
Vi shortcuts
This list of shortcuts is by no means complete. exhaustive, but they will enable you to edit files and learn Vi in a shortamount of time.
$ vi <filename> — Open or edit a file.
i — Switch to Insert mode.
Esc — Switch to Command mode.
:w — Save and continue editing.
:wq or ZZ — Save and quit/exit vi.
:q! — Quit vi and do not save changes.
yy — Yank (copy) a line of text.
p — Paste a line of yanked text below the current line.
o — Open a new line under the current line.
O — Open a new line above the current line.
A — Append to the end of the line.
a — Append after the cursor’s current position.
I — Insert text at the beginning of the current line.
b — Go to the beginning of the word.
e — Go to the end of the word.
x — Delete a single character.
dd — Delete an entire line.
Xdd — Delete X number of lines.
Xyy — Yank X number of lines.
G — Go to the last line in a file.
XG — Go to line X in a file.
gg — Go to the first line in a file.
:num — Display the current line’s line number.
h — Move left one character.
j — Move down one line.
k — Move up one line.
l — Move right one character.