What is angular

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Angular is JavaScript binding Framework which binds HTML UI to and JavaScript Model .This helps us to write long and lengthy code . 

What happens when we write code for HTML and bind a direct model .If anything changes in Model or HTML then it is not easy . But after Angular it's very easy .Angular provides   binding between GUI and model objects . 

Some people says angular  is a 

MVVM:- Model View and View Model .Angular helps us to develop MVVM patterns . 

MVC :- Model view controller of JavaScript .

MVP :- Model view presentation of JavaScript

Angular is also a JavaScript UI Framework which can help to implement MVW architecture[ -Model View whatever [we can MCP– model controller and presentation ]] inside the browser .


Adding to angular ,Angular also helps you to build SPA(Single Page Application) by using the concept of routing .

Angular also has a lot of other features like HTTP,DI ,input/output and so on because of which we do not need other frameworks.

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