WPF Examples


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Applications of WPF
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WPF has comprehensive features for creating user experiences with rich content. To package this content and deliver it to users as applications, WPF provides types and services that are collectively known as the application model. The application model supports the development of both standalone and browser-hosted applications.

Standalone Applications

For standalone applications, you can use the Window class to create windows and dialog boxes that are accessed from menu bars and tool bars.

Additionally, you can use the following WPF dialog boxes: MessageBox, OpenFileDialog, SaveFileDialog, and PrintDialog.

Like in below image:

Browser-Hosted Applications

For browser-hosted applications, known as XAML browser applications (XBAPs), you can create pages (Page) and page functions (PageFunction<T>) that you can navigate between using hyperlinks (Hyperlink classes).

For Browser-Hosted Application we will discuss later.

Now we are starting with Standalone Application.

Controls in Windows WPF

The built-in WPF controls are listed here.

  1. Buttons: Button and RepeatButton.
  2. Dialog Boxes: OpenFileDialog, PrintDialog, and SaveFileDialog.
  3. Digital Ink: InkCanvas and InkPresenter.
  4. Documents: DocumentViewer,FlowDocumentPageViewer,FlowDocumentReader,FlowDocumentScrollViewer, and StickyNoteControl.
  5. Input:TextBox, RichTextBox, and PasswordBox.
  6. Layout: Border, BulletDecorator, Canvas, DockPanel, Expander, Grid, GridView, GridSplitter, GroupBox, Panel, ResizeGrip, Separator, ScrollBar, ScrollViewer, StackPanel, Thumb, Viewbox, VirtualizingStackPanel, Window, and WrapPanel.
  7. Media: Image, MediaElement, and SoundPlayerAction.
  8. Menus: ContextMenu, Menu, and ToolBar.
  9. Navigation: Frame, Hyperlink, Page, NavigationWindow, and TabControl.
  10. Selection: CheckBox, ComboBox, ListBox, TreeView, RadioButton, and Slider.
  11. User Information: AccessText, Label, Popup, ProgressBar, StatusBar, TextBlock, and ToolTip.
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WPF Examples