What is the 2s complement in C
Categories: C language
The 2s complement in C is generated from the 1s complement in C. As we know that the 1s complement of a binary number is created by transforming bit 1 to 0 and 0 to 1; the 2s complement of a binary number is generated by adding one to the 1s complement of a binary number.
In the above figure, the binary number is equal to 00010100, and its one's complement is calculated by transforming the bit 1 to 0 and 0 to 1 vice versa. Therefore, one's complement becomes 11101011. After calculating one's complement, we calculate the two's complement by adding 1 to the one's complement, and its result is 11101100.
Let's create a program of 2s complement.
Analysis of the above program.
1. First, we input the number of bits, and it gets stored in the 'n' variable.
2. After entering the number of bits, we declare character array, i.e., char binary[n+1], which holds the binary number. The 'n' is the number of bits which we entered in the previous step; it basically defines the size of the array.
3. We declare two more arrays, i.e., onescomplement[n+1], and twoscomplement[n+1]. The onescomplement[n+1] array holds the ones complement of a binary number while the twoscomplement[n+1] array holds the two's complement of a binary number.
4. Initialize the carry variable and assign 1 value to this variable.
5. After declarations, we input the binary number.
6. Now, we simply calculate the one's complement of a binary number. To do this, we create a loop that iterates throughout the binary array, for(int i=0;i<n;i++). In for loop, the condition is checked whether the bit is 1 or 0. If the bit is 1 then onescomplement[i]=0 else onescomplement[i]=1. In this way, one's complement of a binary number is generated.