Deciding the size of the union in C Language
Categories: C language
The size of the union is based on the size of the largest member of the union.
union abc{
int a;
char b;
float c;
double d;
int main()
printf("Size of union abc is %d", sizeof(union abc));
return 0;
As we know, the size of int is 4 bytes, size of char is 1 byte, size of float is 4 bytes, and the size of double is 8 bytes. Since the double variable occupies the largest memory among all the four variables, so total 8 bytes will be allocated in the memory. Therefore, the output of the above program would be 8 bytes.
Accessing members of union using pointers
We can access the members of the union through pointers by using the (->) arrow operator.
Let's understand through an example.
#include <stdio.h>
union abc
int a;
char b;
int main()
union abc *ptr; // pointer variable declaration
union abc var;
var.a= 90;
ptr = &var;
printf("The value of a is : %d", ptr->a);
return 0;
In the above code, we have created a pointer variable, i.e., *ptr, that stores the address of var variable. Now, ptr can access the variable 'a' by using the (->) operator. Hence the output of the above code would be 90.
Why do we need C unions?
Consider one example to understand the need for C unions. Let's consider a store that has two items:
1. Books
2. Shirts
Store owners want to store the records of the above-mentioned two items along with the relevant information. For example, Books include Title, Author, no of pages, price, and Shirts include Color, design, size, and price. The 'price' property is common in both items. The Store owner wants to store the properties, then how he/she will store the records.