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J2ME Projects

J2ME Project 1

Java Micro Edition Application Example
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Create First MIDlets application with NetBeans IDE

Consider following steps for developed first MIDlets application with NetBeans IDE (using NetBeans 7.0):

Step- 1:Create a new project, Select File -> New Project (Ctrl+ N) from menu or just press Ctrl+Shift+N keyboard shortcut. The new project window appear, choose Java ME option from categories section and then choose Mobile application form Project section and then click Next button. The New project window display below

Step- 2: Name your project and choose Location on file system in which to store it and click on Next button. Remember, when you select the checkbox of Create Hello MIDlet then it will initialize the application to use the NetBeans visual designers for application flow and screen layouts. Related window display below-

Step- 3:By default Netbean provide Java(TM) Platform Micro Edition SDK 3.0 as a Emulator Platform which is used for the coded the application and enable testing of the application on a PC ( used to display output of application), using the emulator supplied in the SDK. You can also used other emulator, depends upon the developer needed. Now Choose Device configuration and Device Profile, that will provide additional resource to the application. Now click Next button if developer wise to add More Configuration into application, if not then click Finish button. Related window display below

Step- 4:More Configurations Selection window allows to developer to add more resources into application to enhance its functionality and rich user interface. Click Finish to add all the selected pervious resource into application and open application into IDE. Related window display below-

Step- 5:Your Created Application display below with source file and Default Configuration.

Since in this application we don't add any special Configuration so, Project Configuration contain only Default Configuration which hold list of resources in it. Related window display below

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