C++ is a Computer Programming Language .it is an "object oriented" programming language created by Bjarne Stroustrup and released in 1985. It implements "data abstraction" using a concept called "classes", along with other features to allow object-oriented programming. Parts of the C++ program are easily reusable and extensible; existing code is easily modifiable without actually having to change the code. C++ adds a concept called "operator overloading" not seen in the earlier OOP languages and it makes the creation of libraries much cleaner.
C++ maintains aspects of the C programming language, yet has features which simplify memory management. Additionally, some of the features of C++ allow low-level access to memory but also contain high level features.
C++ could be considered a superset of C. C programs will run in C++ compilers. C uses structured programming concepts and techniques while C++ uses object oriented programming and classes which focus on data.
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Introduction and history of C++
C++ Variables,C++ Variables Examples
C++ Constants ,C++ Constant Example
C++ Expressions,C++ Expressions Example
Advantage and Disadvantage of C++ and Scope
A Program Of Class With Two Objects
Types of Inheritance (Single, Multiple)
A Program On Single Inheritance
A Program On Multilevel Inheritance
Types of Inheritance (Hierarchal, Multilevel, Hybrid)
C++ Basic Example
C++ Interview Questions and Answer

C++ was written by Bjarne Stroustrup at Bell Labs during 1983-1985. C++ is an extension of C. Prior to 1983, Bjarne Stroustrup added features to C and formed what he called "C with Classes". He had combined the Simula's use of classes and object-oriented features with the power and efficiency of C. The term C++ was first used in 1983.
Prior to C++, C was a programming language developed at Bell Labs circa 1969-1973. The UNIX operating system was also being developed at Bell Labs at the same time. C was originally developed for and implemented on the UNIX operating system, on a PDP-11 computer by Dennis Ritchie. He extended the B language by adding types in 1971.
He called this NB for New B. Ritchie credited some of his inspiration from theAlgol68 language. Ritchie restructured the language and rewrote the compiler and gave his new language the name "C" in 1972. 90% of UNIX was then written in C. The committee that wrote the 1989 ANSI Standard for had started work on the C Standard project in 1983 after having been established by ANSI in that year. There were quite a number of versions of C at that time and a new Standard was necessary.
The main features of the C++ are
- Classes
- Inheritance
- Data abstraction and encapsulation
- Polymorphism
- Dynamic Binding
- Message Passing
- C++ is a hybrid language-it is possible to program in either a C-like style, an object-oriented style, or both.
- C++ programs consist of pieces called classes and functions. You can program each piece you may need to form a C++ program.
- The advantage of creating your own functions and classes is that you will know exactly how they work. You will be able to examine the C++ code.
- Scope is also limited
- Platform dependent
- Does not give excellent graphics as compare to java
- Not case sensitive
- Less features as compared to Java& C#.
- Not applicable in web environment