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Arrays is a collection of same type of elements.An array store multiple items of same data a contiguous block of memory divided into declare an array write a data type followed by [] followed by the identifier name.  arrays may be one dimensional ,two dimensional and multidimensional arrays.

java.util is a class of java . lang .object package which contains various methods used for manipulating arrays.this
class also contains static factory that allows arrays to be viewed as list.
 java.util class contains various methods used for manipulating arrays.the method in this class also throw NullPointerException if the  specified array reference is null

int [] salary
salary=new int [1000000]


int [] age= new int [1000000]

this is how array are declare by two ways

public class Sample
 public static void main( String[] args )

int[] ages = new int[100];
( int i=0; i<100; i++ )
 System.out.print( ages[i] );

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