Java Servlet Programing Laungage

Java Servlet Projects

Servlet Project 3

Difference between HttpGet() and HttpPost()
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Conventional difference:

getRequest is used for requesting static contents and postRequest is used for requesting dynammic contents.

Technical Difference:

  1. In case of getRequest request data is sent as part of header.Size of http packet header is fixed,hence only limited amount of data can be send using getRequest.
  2. In case of postRequest request data is sent as part of paket body.Size of http packet body can be unlimited,hence unlimited amount of data can be sent using postRequest.
  3. In case of getRequest request parameters are appended to the url and are visible in the address bar of the browser.
  4. In case of postRequest request parameters are not appended to the url,hence they are not shown in the address bar of the browser.
  5. In case of getRequest request is sent as submitted by the user whereas in case of postRequest it is sent in an encrypted form.
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