Check the esistence of value in Hashtable

Check the esistence of value in Hashtable

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In this program we will check the existence  of  key in the table. Contains () is used to check the existence of key .

Object of Boolean Exists is used to call the Contain method . 
 Conatin method along with the parameter is used .
The key must be paased to the method as the parameter to check its existence.

Conatin method along with the parameter is used .
The key must be paased to the method as the parameter to check its existence.


package Example;
import java .util.Hashtable;

public class Hashtablvalueexistance {

public static void main(String[] args) {
Hashtable tb = new Hashtable();
tb.put("1", "one");
tb.put("11", "Eleven");
tb.put("12", "Twelve");
boolean blnExists =tb.containsKey("thirteen");
System.out.println("The key exists in hashtable : " +blnExists);



The key exists in hashtable : false

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