White Escape and Escape Sequences for Special Characters in Java Programming

White Escape and Escape Sequences for Special Characters in Java Programming

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White Escape and Escape Sequences for Special Characters in Java Programming
 A character preceded by a backslash (\) is an escape sequence and has special meaning to the compiler.

following is the description of the java escape sequence

 \t- Insert the tab in the text in this point.

\b- Insert the back space in the text at this point

\n- Insert a new line in the text at this point

\r -Insert a carriage return in the text at this point

\f -Insert formfeed in the text at this point

\' -Insert double quote character in the text at this point

\" -Insert double quote character in the text at this point

\\-Insert backslash in the text at this point

 System.out.println("he said \"Hello!\" to me.");

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