Operators on Integers in Java Programming

Operators on Integers in Java Programming

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Operators on Integers in Java Programming are the arithmetic operators,assignment operators, relational operators,logical and bit wise operators almost every operator is used on integers in java.

Addition ,subtraction,division,multiplication,modulus,relational operations all are used on integers in java.
Addition, as you would expect, is accomplished using the plus sign (+) operator. The form of an addition operation is

operand + operand
// Add two literal values
int result = 5 + 5;

// Add two variables
int a = 5;
int b = 6;
int result = a + b;

// Add two variables and a literal
int result = a + b + 15;

// Add two literal values
int result = 5 + 5;

// Add two variables
int a = 5;
int b = 6;
int result = a + b;

// Add two variables and a literal
int result = a + b + 15;

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