
JUNIT Projects

JUNIT Project 1

JUNIT Examples


Introduction of Junit
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JUnit is a special framework of implementing testing in Java. It is providing for simple way to explicitly test for specific test for specific area in java program.

It is test for extensible and can be employed to test a total program. It means junit implementing for test to multiple program or a singularly either test a hierarchy of program. JUnit is an open source framework that has been designed for writing and running a test in the java programming language. Actually the JUnit framework developed by Erich Gamma and Kent Beck.

There are many ways to write test cases. JUnit is the Graphical User Interface(GUI), it is maked a possible to write and test sourcecode to quickly and easily.The JUnit test implement continuously. Result are provided easily and immediately. when Junit implement test for Java program , then time it shows the test progress in a bar that is normally green but turns red when a test fails. there are multiple test run concurrently. if any program in bugs are available then easily find out the bugs if you using Juni testing. If a list is unsuccessful then tests appears at the bottom of the display window.

Unit Testing

A unit testing is piece of code, it's written by the developer. In this phase using the implement test for unit base. it means if you using the unit testing implement then you use the specific functionality in the code which is tested. if your java program has been long or multiple, an unit testing implement when the unit testing work for module based test.

The unit testing is defined as testing classes and methods , which are provided in the java program. The Java classes are depending on other classes. The unit test is need to simulate/control the other classes.

Unit Testing tools

C++ Unit, JUnit, OUnit (For PL/SQL), HTTP and so on. Assert the correctness of code by Expected result vs. the runtime result using the unit testing tools. Unit testing tools are used to test the Method/Stored procedure we have written. We know the return result of the particular method we wrote and expect the same results from the method. Then we have to assert (method result and expected result) which will help u to match our code and our expectation/requirement.

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