
JUNIT Projects

JUNIT Project 1

JUNIT Examples


Why Use a Testing Framework
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The Unit Testing framework is very necessary and beneficial because it's force and you explicitly declares and the expected results of specific program execution routes.

The Unit Testing framework is very necessary and beneficial because it's force and you explicitly declares and the expected results of specific program execution routes.When you debugging your java program then it is possible to write a test which expresses the result you are trying to achieve and then debug until the test comes out positive. If the Java Program is long or a multiple then you want to test your program , firstly having a set of tests and that test all the core component of the project , and it is possible to modify the specific areas of the project and immediately you see the effect of modification on the test, hence, side-effects can be quickly realized.

first time JUnit promote testing then coding. The JUnit first time test the program unit wise, and the these testing known as unit testing. the formulae using jUnit is test the little then code the little again test the little and then code the little. If you test your program using jUnit then increases your programmer productivity and stability of program code. It also integrates with Ant http://jakarta.apache.org/ant/.

Unit Testing With JUnit

JUnit 4.x is a testing framework. the JUnit 4.x is best testing for Java program. Basically this framework testing for unit wise program, the testing process is held on small small module based. and this framework is using the annotation to identify the methods which content test.JUnit perform to all test for arbitrary order. In testing time therefore tests should not depend for other tests. you write the test unit you using the:

  1. Annotate a method with @org.JUnit.Test
  2. Use a method provides by JUnit to check the expected result of the code execution versus the actual result.

You use a tool like Eclipse or the class org.junit.runner.JUnitCore to run the test.

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