C Programming language

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Having declared the structure type and the structure variables, let us see how the elements of the structure can be accessed. In arrays we can access individual elements of an array using a subscript. Structures use a different scheme. They use a dot (.) operator. So to refer to  pages of the structure defined in our sample program we have to use,


Similarly, to refer to price we would use,


Note that before the dot there must always be a structure variable and after the dot there must always be a structure element.  

                                                                            HOW STRUCTURE ELEMENTS ARE STORED

Whatever be the elements of a structure, they are always stored in contiguous memory locations. The following program would illustrate this:

/* Memory map of structure elements */
main( )
struct book

char  name ;
float  price ;
int  pages ;
} ;
struct book  b1 = { 'B', 130.00, 550 } ;

printf ( "\nAddress of name = %u", &b1.name ) ;
printf ( "\nAddress of price = %u", &b1.price ) ;
printf ( "\nAddress of pages = %u", &b1.pages ) ;

Output: Here is the output of the program...

Address of name = 65518

Address of price = 65519

Address of pages = 65523


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