
Java ANT Projects

Java ANT Project 1

Java ANT Examples


Mainly it's default setting contain for 3 type of properties

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Adjusting Default Setting of Apache Ivy

Ivy comes bundled for some default setting which makes it pretty simple to use in the common environment. it's close to references document to explains what default setting and how can setting to adjusted to your needs.

Mainly it's default setting contain for 3 type of properties.

  1. Local
  2. A repository which is private to the user.

  3. Shared
  4. A repository which is shared between all the member of a team

  5. Public
  6. A Public repository on which most modules, and especially third party modules, can be found.

Local: The local repository is a particularly useful when you want to do something without being disturbed by anything else happen in the environment. The ivy is able to locate the module of in any repository it will be using , that's the no matter of what is available in others.

For object , if if you have to declaring a dependency on the module A in revision latest. integration, then after that to revision of  A is found in the local repository, it'll be using and even if a more recently revision in available in other repository.

Shared: As it's the name suggest , the shared repository is shared by whole developing team. it's a place which place you can publishing your team private modules for instance. and it's also a place to where you can use to put modules , it's not available in the public repository (sun jars, for instance), it's not to simply accurate.

Note: The modules can be split across the shared repository and the public one: you can have to module descriptor in the shared repository and  the artifacts in the public one.

Public: The public repository is founding the most modules, but you want to need the information then lack the information you need. it's usually using a repository available through an internet connection only, even if this is not mandatory.

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