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C is programming language developed in the at AT and Tee Bell Laboratories of USA in 1972's. It was designed and developed by man named Dennis Richte. C is so popular because it reliable and simple and easy to use, with the help of C language new languages are born known as C++, Java, C# and many other languages.
--( Alphabets, symbols ,digits) --(constant, variables, keywords) --(Instructions)--(Progams)
Alphabets are : A,B,C.. Z. Symbols: ~,@,#,$,%,^,&,*,(),_, etc. /* these are also called special symbols */ Digits: 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,0.
#include <stdio.h>// Preprocessor int main() // main function { // opening the brackets printf("Hello, world\n"); } // close the brackets
Before C we were using language which is known as B language developed by Ken Thompson in 1970. B language interpreter based and had performance drawbacks. C was developed by Dennis Richie between 1969 and 1973 at AT&T Bell Labs. The basic feature of C programming language is:
- C programming language is the structured programming language (It is a programming paradigm which improve the quality, clarity of pprogram by using a block of structures, loops and subroutines.)
- Code reusability we can use the same code in different environment.
- Built in different data types (like float, int etc), libraries (preprocessors directives), expressions, operators, decision control statements, loop and functions etc.
- C programming language is a case-sensitive language and it has 32 keywords
- C is often called a middle-level language with simple in syntax etc.
Why use C programming ?
C language is very prevalent in creating different applications and writing of several different software source-codes. The essential feature comprising C language includes the simple and straight-forward use of compiler with a low-level access to memory.
C programming is structure programming language we can add no. of module (function) according to our need. Here are some examples of structured and non structured languages:
Non Structured | Structured |
FORTRAN | Pascal |
COBOL | C++ |
C | |
Java | |
Modula-2 |
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