Spring Framework

Spring Projects

Spring Project 1

How can integrate Struts 2.x and Spring Framework
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Introduction: The Struts 2.x is the web application framework in Java Technology, this framework provide the concept of Model View Controller (MVC) and Interceptor to develop the web application. The Spring framework provide the facility to integrate with other framework and Developed the application in java. This tutorial provide the facility how can integrate between Spring framework and Struts 2.x.

How can integrate Spring framework and Struts 2.x:

Following steps are required to integrate Spring framework and Struts 2.x framework:

Step 1: First select the web project in our IDE and add the capability of spring 2.5 and Struts 2.x (it means that add the jar file ).

Step 2: Also add struts2-spring-plugin-2.0.jar file.

Step 3: Create configuration file struts.xml in src folder to give the struts configuration information.

Step 4: Also create applicationContext.xml in WEB-INF folder to give the spring configuration information.

Step 5: Create Action class to send the string of controller class to invoked the jsp page.

Step 6: Mapped the ContextLoaderListener class in web.xml file.

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