Spring Framework

Spring Projects

Spring Project 1

Types of Controller in Spring MVC
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Spring MVC provide many types of controllers which are following:

  1. Controller
  2. AbstractController
  3. ParameterizableViewController
  4. UrlFilenameViewController
  5. MultiActionController
  6. BaseCommandController
  7. AbstactCommandController
  8. AbstractFormController
  9. SimpleFormController
  10. AbstractWizardFormController

View Controller:

  1. ParameterizableViewController
  2. UrlFilenameViewController

Core Controller:

  1. Controller
  2. AbstractController

Throwaway Controller:

  1. ThrowawayController

Multi Action Controller:

  1. MultiActionController

Command Controller:

  1. BaseCommandController
  2. AbstactCommandController

Form Controller:

  1. AbstractFormController
  2. SimpleFormController

Wizard Controller:

  1. AbstractWizardFormController
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