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App Wizard
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App wizard also knows as MFC (Microsoft foundation class library)AppWizard is really a collection of different Application Wizards that help to do different sorts of projects. the AppWizards will guide you through the process of creating a new project, prompting for various option selections along the way.

AppWizard (exe) will build without any further modifications and has all of the setup for the application features you selected. This can easily reduce half a day's hunting, cutting, and pasting to just a few seconds.

Some steps are following in us:

  1. Step:  AppWizard to help you create a new project, Use the New command from the File menu. click the dialog box will show you a list of the available application wizard.
  2. include new project types for example win32 application. and assure that the Appwizard (exe) is highlighted then type MYMFCAPPWIZ as in the project name edit box, and modify the location of your project as a user need and then click OK button.

  3. Step: After following the step 1 you will step through a sequence of AppWizard screens. and follows the steps and options. option are chosen by the user.
  4. Note:The class names and source file names have been defined based on the project name MYMFCAPPWIZ. you can also change the name as you wanted after that click the finish button.

  5. Step: Before appwizard is generated your code and displays the New project Information dialog box.
  6. when you click on the OK button appwizard starts to create your applications subdirectory and a series of files in that subdirectory. when app wizard is finished, and see in application subdirectory.

    Finally you have create a completely AppWizard with a predetermined number of steps. This process doesn't do anything expect show a couple of blank property page and produce a blank project file. From there it's completely up to you to instruct the AppWizard according which files to include in the project. this option affords the most flexibility.

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