ADO.NET Projects

ADO.NET Project 1

ADO.NET Examples

Examples Objective Questions And Answers
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Which methods provided by the dataset object to generate XML in ADO.Net? 1. ReadXML 2. GetXML 3. Writexml 4. All of Above

4. All Of Above

Which one is the method of Connection object in ADO.Net? 1. open() 2. new() 3. ConnectionOpen() 4. None of these

1. open()

The DataSet object is a _________ storage. 1. connected 2. disconnected 3. polling 4. None

2. disconnected

_____________ is a bridge between a DataSet and data source for retrieving and saving data. 1. DataControler 2. DataCommand 3. DataAdapter 4. None

3. DataAdapter

How instantiate the DataReader ? 1. by calling a Command object's ExecuteReader. 2. by calling a Query object's ExecuteQuery. 3. by calling a new(). 4. None

1. by calling a Command object's ExecuteReader.

Which is/are DataAdapter Events? 1. OnRowUpdating 2. OnRowUpdated 3. 1&2 4. onRowDeleting

3. 1&2

XML stands for 1. EXtensible Microsoft Language 2. EXtensible Makeup Language 3. EXtensible Markup Language 4. None

3. EXtensible Markup Language

Which method is used to perform the magic of locating and loading the XML file? 1. ReadXml() 2. WriteXml() 3. Both 1 & 2 4. None

1. ReadXml()

Conversion of an object's values into XML is Called _________ 1. Documentation 2. Serialization 3. None

2. Serialization

Which method of the DataSet object is used to return the DataSet's contents in XML form as a string. 1. GetXml() 2. ReadXml() 3. WriteXml() 4. SetXml()

1. GetXml()