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getc( ) function and putc( ) function : The getc() and putc() are exactly similar to that of fgetc() and fputc(). The putc function writes the character contained in character variable c to the file associated with the pointer fp1.
int getc (FILE *file) // define getc() method
The getc() function takes the file pointer as its argument, reads in the next character from the file and returns that character as a integer or EOF when it reaches the end of the file. The integer returned can easily type cast into a character variable for your use.The getc function acts essentially identically to fgetc, but is a macro that expands in-line.
#include<stdio.h> void main() { file *fp1; char c; fp1=fopen("myfile.txt","w") while((c=getchar())!=EOF)
{ putc(c,fp1);
} fclose(fp1); fp1=fopen("myfile.txt","r") while((c=getc(fp1))!=EOF)
{ printf("%c",c)
} fclose(fp1); };
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