C Interview Questions And Answers

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         C Questions:-

-->> What does the term cast refer to?
-->>Why is it used?
-->>In arithmetic expressions, to what data type will the C compiler promote a character?
-->>What is the difference between a statement and a block?
-->>How is a comment formed in C.
-->>Can comments be nested?
-->>From the standpoint of programming logic, what is the difference between a loop with the test at the top, and a loop where the test is at the bottom?
-->>Specify the skeletons of two C loops with the test at the top.
-->>Specify a C loop with the test at the bottom.
-->>What is the switch statement?
-->>What does a break statement do? Which control structures use it?
-->>In a loop, what is the difference between a break and continue statement?
-->>Where may variables be defined in C?
-->>What is the difference between a variable definition and a variable declaration?

-->>What is the purpose of a function prototype?
-->>What is type checking?
-->>To what does the term storage class refer?
-->>List C's storage classes and what they signify.
-->>State the syntax for the printf() and scanf() functions.
-->>State their one crucial difference with respect to their parameters. With respect to function parameter passing, what is the difference between call-by-value and call-by-reference?
-->>Which method does C use?
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