how to remove and iterate elements over a LinkedHashSet using collections in java
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In this example we will see how to remove and iterate elements in a LinkedHashSet.
For creating a LinkedHashSet we have to import the java.util package. The java.util.LinkedHashSet contains various constructors for creating a LinkedHashSet. In this example we have created a class name CollectionExample in which we have created a LinkedHashSet and then added some elements to it.
In this example we have used the following methods,
void remove(Object obj)
This method removes the element specified by the method argument from the LinkedHashSet.
For iterating down the LinkedHashSet we have used the iterator() method of the Iterator interface on the LinkedHashSet object i.e lnkdhaset. Then we have used the next() method on the Iterator object. Finally we have printed the values returned by the next() method.
In this example we have created a LinkedHashSet of double type elements. Then we added some elements to it by using the add() method on the object of the LinkedHashSet object i.e lnkdhaset. We removed some of the elements from the lnkdhaset and finally dislayed the contents of the lnkdhased by using the iterator( ) method on it.
import java.util.*;
public class CollectionExample {
* @param args
public static void main(String[] args) throws ClassCastException, NullPointerException
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
LinkedHashSet<Double> lnkdhaset=new LinkedHashSet<Double>(); //created a LinkedHashSet of Double type
lnkdhaset.add(2.345); // adding double values of the lnkdhaset
Iterator<Double> itr=lnkdhaset.iterator(); // Invoking Iterator on the LinkedHashSet lnkhaset; // increment the iterator over the first element
itr.remove(); // this removes the first element of the LinkedHashSet
if( // checking if is equal to 8.976
itr.remove(); // if so, then remove it
System.out.println("The contents of the LinkedHashSet are:"+lnkdhaset); // Now we are displaying the contents of the list
catch(ClassCastException e)
catch(NullPointerException e)
The output of the above code is as follows:
The contents of the LinkedHashSet are :[4.567, 6.758, 6.809]
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