Java Programing laungage

Core Java Tutorial

Introduction of Core Java

How To Install JDk and Set of Path

Syntax of java Program

Difference between Java and C/C++

Advantage and Disadvantage of Java

What is Java

Why Java is not Pure Object Oriented Language

Java has Following Features/Characteristics

Limitation of Java Language and Java Internet

Common Misconception about Java

Simple Program of Java

Integrated Development Environment in java

Compile and Run Java Program

Applet and Comments in Java

Tokens in Java

Keywords in Java

Identifier and Variables in Java


Data Type in Java

Assignments and Initialization in Java

Operators in Java

Rule of Precedence in Java

Operator on Integer and Separators in Java Programming

Java Control Flow of Statements

If and If-else Selection Statement

Nested If-else and If-else-If Selection Statement

switch case and conditional operator Selection Statement

for and while Loop

do..while and for each Loop

break and labeled break statement

continue and labeled continue statement

return Statement and exit() Method

Escape Sequence for Special Characters and Unicode Code

Constants and Block or Scope

Statement in Java

Conversions between Numeric Types in Java

Import Statement in Java

User Input in Java using Scanner Class

User Input in Java using Console Class

Array in Java

One Dimensional Array

Two Dimensional Array

Two Dimensional Array Program

Command Line Argument in Java

String args Types in Java

Uneven/Jagged array in java

Math Class Function and Constant

Math Class all Function used in a program

Enumerated Types in Java

Object Oriented Programming v/s Procedural Programming

Object Oriented Programming Concepts in Java

Introduction to Class,Object and Method in Java

Class Declaration in Java

Class & Objects in java

Encapsulation in Java

Modifiers/Visibility for a Class or Interrface or member of a Class

Polymorphism in Java

Runtime polymorphism (dynamic binding or method overriding)

Java has Following Features/Characteristics
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Java is provide many characteristics simple, portable, object oriented, Interpreted, Distributed, High Performance, Robust, Multithreaded , Secure, Dynamic, Architecture Neutral Programming Language which provide build-in internet base API.

  1. Java is Simple Programming Language

    Java is a simple programming language can't need to learn prior to other basic language e.g c ,c++ etc .Java is easy way to write, compile, debug, then learn other language. Java uses automatic memory allocation and garbage collection else C++ requires the programmer to allocate memory and to collect garbage so these languages are more complex. Java syntax are compare to c or c++. Java is no header file , pointer, union, operator overloading etc. Java provide more features and security other language.

  2. Java as Portable Programming Language

    Java is a portable programming language you can write on any editor and then compile then generate byte code then byte code is execute any operating system or any hardware is enable is jvm. Java provide applet application is designed to travel over internet when web client request then byte code is downloaded on client side the java byte code will execute on local machine client side is presence of jvm .

  3. Java as Object Oriented Programming Language

    java is object oriented programming. Java is cantered on creating objects, manipulating objects and making objects work together. This allows us to create an application in modular programs and reusable code.

  4. Java is use Oops:

    1. Encapsulation.
    2. Inheritance.
    3. Polymorphism
  5. Java as Interpreted Programming language

    An interpreters is execute the byte code (.class file) The byte code is machine independent and run on any machine that has a Java interpreter. The program is compiled only once, and then byte code generated and jvm is a interpreted and execute one by one through just in time means piece by piece information is show. Java byte code is optimized set of instructions and this execute is any where presence of jvm. Jvm is a interpreted entire program is execute one by one and line by line user demand and execute on the machine. The java interpreter are convert the byte code into the machine code.

  6. Java as Distributed Programming Language

    Java is used distributed computing means involves several computers on a network working together. Java is designed to make distributed computing easy with the networking capability that is inherently integrated into it. java provide the socket programming and network programming . Java application are running on different number of system then first application object is called another application connected to each other.

  7. Java as High Performance Language

    Java performance is high it is used interpreter to execute the byte code. The interpreter is convert byte code into machine language is this process using JIT (just in time) is one by one information is execute machine code.Java is provide automatic garbage collector runs as a background , java is high performance that memory ia available when required .

  8. Java as robust programming language

    Robust means reliable and no programming language can really assure reliability. Java puts a lot of emphasis on early checking for possible errors, as Java compilers are able to detect many problems that would first show up during execution time in other languages. Java has the strong memory allocation and automatic garbage collection mechanism. It provides the powerful exception handling and type checking mechanism as compare to other programming languages. Compiler checks the program whether there any error and interpreter checks any run time error and makes the system secure from crash. All of the above features makes the java language robust.

  9. Java as multithreaded programming language

    Java is a multithreading language which means we can use java developed multithread program. Multithreaded is the capability for a program to perform several tasks simultaneously within a program. Multithreading is a necessity in visual and network programming. A multithreaded program contains two or more parts that can run concurrently and each part can handle different task at the same time making optimal use of the available resources specially when your computer has multiple CPU.

  10. Java as Secure Programming Language

    Java provide a lot of security feature, Java is one of the first programming languages to consider security as part of its design. The Java language, compiler, interpreter, and runtime environment were each developed with security in mind. Also java has eliminated pointers which can create a lot of unwanted and confusing memory references resulting in memory waste, no readability i.e. contains byte code understandable to only JVM, no virus will infect the byte code. Even if the virus entered into byte code the jvm doesn't understand it, so jvm keeps these instructions as it is. No executable code will be generated to this virus.

  11. Java as Dynamic Programming Language

    Dynamic language does task at run time. Java is more dynamic programming language to other languages c ,c++. Dynamic language may also perform some amount of self checking at runtime, which would normally be done ahead of time in a compilation stage. Although a dynamic language offers runtime flexibility and is generally easier to program, it does not eliminate the programmer's responsibility for understanding the interactions that will take place. The term may also refer to interpreted languages in general, which convert source code or bytecode to machine language at runtime, as well as to just-in-time compilation, the process of compiling program the moment before it is executed.

  12. Java as Platform Independent programming Language

    Java program write once and run on any operating system or any hardware. Java source code compile then convert into byte code (.class) this .class is execute through jvm any operating system or hardware. Byte code is opatimized set of instructions execute anywhere this byte code jvm enabled platform is execute than the java compiler generates an architecture-neutral object file format. The compiled code is executable on many processors, given the presence of the Java runtime system.

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