Spring Tutorials

Spring Tutorial

Introduction of Spring Framework

Advantages and Disadvantages of Spring Framework

Features of Spring Framework

Basic concept of Spring Framework

Architecture of Spring Framework

Modules of Spring Framework

Goal of Spring Framework

Create Application of Spring without any IDE

Create Application of Spring in Eclipse IDE

Create Application of Spring in MYEclipse IDE

Important JAR of Spring Framework

IOC container in Spring Framework

Bean and Applicationcontext container in Spring Framework

Example of Spring BeanFactory Container in Spring Framework

Example of Spring ApplicationContext Container in Spring Framework

Bean in Spring Framework

Lifecycle of Bean in Spring Framework

Scope of Bean in Spring Framework

Autowiring in Spring Framework

Dependency Injection in Spring Framework

Constructor-based Dependency Injection Example in Spring Framework

Setter-based Dependency Injection Example in Spring Framework

Introduction of AOP in Spring Framework

Core concept and Goal of AOP in Spring Framework

AOP Proxies in Spring framework

XML Schema Based AOP in Spring Framework

AOP Xml based Configuration Example in Spring Framework

Example of Declaring AOP Advices in Spring Framework

AOP AspectJ Annotation with Example in Spring Framework

Declaring an aspect and pointcut using Annotation in Spring Framework

Declaring AOP Advices using Annotation Example in Spring Framework

DAO support in Spring Framework

Introduction of Spring JDBC Framework in Spring Framework

Introduction of Spring JdbcTemplate in Spring Framework

Example of Spring JdbcTemplate class in Spring framework

Example of Executing SQL statements in Spring Framework

Example of Executing DDL statements in Spring Framework

SQL Stored Procedure in Spring Framework

Example of NamedParameterJdbcTemplate in Spring Framework

Example of RowMapperJdbcTemplate in Spring Framework

Introduction of ORM Framework in Spring Framework

Integration of Spring with Hibernate in Spring Framework

Integration of Spring with JPA in Spring Framework

Introduction of Spring Expression Language (SpEL) in Spring Framework

Example of Spring Expression Language (SpEL) in Spring framework

Example of Spring EL in XML and Annotation in Spring Framework

Language Reference with SpEL in Spring Framework

Operators in Spring Expression Language(SpEL) in Spring Framework

Variable in Spring Expression Language(SpEL) in Spring Framework

Introduction of Spring Framework Transaction Management in Spring Framework

Spring Framework Transaction Abstraction

Spring Declarative Transaction Management in Spring Framework

Spring Programmatic Transaction Management in Spring Framework

Introduction of Spring OXM (Object XML Mapping) in Spring Framework

Integration of Spring with Jaxb Example in Spring framework

Example of Spring with Xstream in Spring Framework

Example of Spring with Castor in Spring Framework

Remote Method Invocation(RMI) in Spring Framework

Spring and RMI Integration with Example in Spring Framework

Example of Spring and Httpinvoker in Spring Framework

Example of Spring and Hessian in Spring Framework

Integration of Spring with JMS in Spring Framework

Introduction of Webservice in Spring Framework

Spring Web Services in Spring Framework

Web Services with Jax-WS in Spring framework

Exposing and Exporting servlet-based Web Services using JAX-WS in Spring Framework

Accessing Web Services using JAX-WS in Spring Framework

Introduction of JMS in Spring Framework

JMS Messaging Models in Spring Framework

Using Spring JMS in Spring Framework

Sending and Receiving a Message Using JMS API in Spring Framework

Introduction of JMX (Java Management Extension) in Spring Framework

Integrating Beans with JMX in Spring Framework

Creating a MBeanServer in Spring Framework

Introduction Java Mail with Spring in Spring Framework

Example of Java Mail with spring in Spring Framework

Introduction of EJB(Enterprise JavaBeans) in Spring Framework

Introduction of EJB(Enterprise JavaBeans) Integration in Spring Framework

Integration of Spring With Struts 2 Example in Spring Framework

Spring MVC

Spring MVC

Introduction of Spring Expression Language (SpEL)
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The Spring Expression Language is a powerful expression language that supports querying and manipulating an object graph at runtime. SpEL expressions can be used with XML or annotation based configuration metadata for defining BeanDefinitions. In both cases the syntax to define the expression is of the form:

#{ <expression string>}

There are several existing expression languages like MVEL, OGNL and JBoss EL. Every EL is developed with some purpose in mind. SpEL is created to help the Spring porfolio products. The syntax used for the SpEL is same like Unified EL.

SpEL serves as the foundation for expression evaluation within the Spring portfolio, it is not directly tied to Spring and can be used independently. In order to be self contained, many of the examples in this chapter use SpEL as if it were an independent expression language. This requires creating a few bootstrapping infrastructure classes such as the parser.

Another advantage of SpEL is it can work independently without depending on the Spring environment. In the following sections, you will read the complete details on SpEL API and Features the Spring Expression Language.

Spring Expression Language(SpEL) API

The SpEL API provides many interfaces and classes. They are as follows:

  1. Expression interface
  2. SpelExpression class
  3. ExpressionParser interface
  4. SpelExpressionParser class
  5. EvaluationContext interface
  6. StandardEvaluationContext class
Feature of Spring Expression Language (SpEL)

There are several features exist with SpEL. The expression language supports the following functionality as given below.

  1. Literal expressions
  2. Boolean and relational operators
  3. Regular expressions
  4. Class expressions
  5. Accessing properties, arrays, lists, maps
  6. Method invocation
  7. Relational operators
  8. Assignment
  9. Calling constructors
  10. Bean references
  11. Array construction
  12. Inline lists
  13. Ternary operator
  14. Variables
  15. User defined functions
  16. Collection projection
  17. Collection selection
  18. Templated expressions
  19. Inline maps
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